Why do you continue to treat your Fallout fans with such disrespect ? You seem to put more resources/effort into Skyrim than you do into any other game you make.
The Fallout lore for a startoff. As far as I've heard you told everyone you were "making it up as you went along". What kind of business sense is that ? Who makes up stuff as they go along ?
Why have we not got a new engine ? do we not deserve one as loyal fans or something ? The gaming world doesnt need another MMO. Especially another hack and slash fantasy MMO. there are enough of those out there. But this isn't about MMO's this is about the post apocolyptic genre. Having played Fallen Earth for a good number of years and then finally watching it slide into obvlivion, I couldnt help but notice that a lot of developers wont touch the subject matter these days. Whether they think it's because its not profitable or whatever I dont know. Bethesda, in my opinion has been one of the few to capture and hold this genre and make a decent audience from it. People love the Fallout universe, theyre giving you money for it!
For the love of Christ give them something back. Stop farting around waiting for whatever it is your apparently waiting for and make a new Fallout! I'm personally tired of playing second fiddle to the fantasy genre.Brush up on the lore hell write new lore if you have to just leave [censored] aliens out! People will buy it, Bethesda knows they will. you absolutley killed it with Fallout 3 why can't you do it again ?