1. FalloutNV.esm
2. CaravanPack.esm
3. ClassicPack.esm
4. MercenaryPack.esm
5. TribalPack.esm
6. DeadMoney.esm
7. HonestHearts.esm
8. OldWorldBlues.esm
9. LonesomeRoad.esm
10. GunRunnersArsenal.esm
11. Military Expansion Project.esm
12. rePopulated Wasteland.esm
13. AWorldofPain(preview).esm
14. domecity.esm
15. Project Nevada - Core.esm
16. Project Nevada - Equipment.esm
17. Project Nevada - Cyberware.esp
18. Project Nevada - Rebalance.esp
19. WeaponModsixpanded.esp
20. NCRGraham.esp
21. ProfessionalListFixDeadMoney.esp
22. Honest Hearts - Grunt Fix.esp
23. More Fiends.esp
24. HeadgearRevamp.esp
25. HeadgearRevampHH.esp
26. HeadgearRevampLR.esp
27. HeadgearRevampOWB.esp
28. RHINO45-70MX NV.esp
29. NewVegasBounties.esp
30. Cowboy Perk Complete - New Vegas Bounties.esp
31. bloodmess.esp
32. WMX-DeadMoney.esp
33. WMX-GunRunnersArsenal.esp
34. WMX-HonestHearts.esp
35. WMX-LonesomeRoad.esp
36. WMX-ModernWeapons.esp
37. WMX-MW-GRA.esp
38. WMX-OldWorldBlues.esp
39. AWOPDeadMoney.esp
40. WMX-AWOP.esp
41. Shotgun Commando.esp
42. deathclawDWc.esp
43. WMX-Arenovalis Textures.esp
44. WMX-PreOrderPackMercenary.esp
45. WMX-ShotgunCommando.esp
46. EVE FNV.esp
47. EVE FNV-[GRA Patch For EVE 1.3].esp
Problem: when I began Fallout New Vegas with the mods in this load order, I noticed a situation: All or most NPCs face color have went to default (ghostly white basically), and their body skin has remained the Vanilla skin (which makes it kind of annoying). The other factor that rides with this is the game seems to crash every 10-15 minutes, along with crashing when exiting Goodsprings Schoolhouse. I didn't play any further because I assumed this would happen anytime I leave other buildings and thus make the adventure somewhat frustrating. I need help to see if it's the load Order I have, or is it the game engine that's simply unable to handle all of these at once?