Now, almost 2 months after the Launch and 1 month since I stopped playing Crysis 3 MP, I went to a match and were killed by lamers the same ways I was killed in Crysis 2 MP.
What catchs my attention is that Crytec announced in bold they have banned almost 200 Origin accounts. And that's a real low number that makes me real mad, considering the same users who were at the top of the rankings are still there, one with 139 games and more than 100 million experience points. I remember the day I saw that for the first time, he had 99999999 and 9 games. The accuracy top 10 is curious as well, it has a guy with more than 400% accuracy. Guess he only shoots 4 people at once with each bullet, and never misses, and ocasionally hits another one or two. And he even have negative misses!
I'd love to have a refund in some games, and this is one. Great concept, but still a concept.