Oh my goodness..... so because I voiced MY opinion of your particular play style (im assuming we are allowed to do that on a community forum?, free speech and all that) You have thrown your toys out of the Pram, Im also guessing by your knee Jerk reaction to my comments that your probably still in your Teens.. correct?
I also stated that this was MY opinon, I also stated that no one could force anyone to play the game any differently than to the way THEY choose to play it, if you love making videos, which I think you do, and don't want anyone giving you their opinion then dont post them on here. I could make a video of me doing nothing but capping / defending an objective, thats how I roll, someone one could post up " man thats boring sitting there defending a spear etc " but thats how I like to play.
I'm merely making an observation based on the video that you posted, if you can't deal with that then I'm afraid there is little hope for you. So if your not prepared to have people commenting on your videos then dont post them.