Am I the only one who finds Dead Money easy?

Post » Mon Apr 15, 2013 2:05 pm

It seems like everywhere I look are people saying how difficult Dead Money is, and while I haven't finished it yet, I'm almost done with it and have found it to be an absolute breeze up to this point. I started it at level 27 with Guns, Lockpicking, Science, Sneak, and Speech all at 100 and from what im seeing, it may be that some people just may not be playing it right. Sneaking definitely has given me a clear advantage, and I plan pretty much every attack, every movement that I do as opposed to running and gunning, and haven't had to use a stimpack yet. Father Elijah also gives clear warnings about the dangers of each area, and after say, he tells me that the area is filled with various traps, I keep my eyes peeled at all times, and manage to disarm every trap. Dead Money is definitely all about patience.

So that's pretty much my experience with it so far, I'm just curious as to whether or not others find it pretty easy like I do, because I see others going on about the high difficulty all of the time. I should also point out that I am playing on hard difficulty, non hardcoe mode, so maybe that makes a bigger difference than I had anticipated.

I also would like to say that I'm thoroughly enjoying Dead Money, I had played through the vanilla New Vegas twice on a borrowed copy, and two weeks ago I finally purchased the ultimate edition and DM is my first DLC. The atmosphere is great, awesome writing and interesting characters, and a nice break from the typical Fallout structure, providing solid gameplay for slow paced, stealthy characters like mine.
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