Evening Star 21, 4E175
Snow flaked down from the dull grey sky and settled around the soles of my feet as I trudge along the stone road. Gnarled dead trees cast faint but eerie shadows across the ground. My boots were caked with snow and ice making them even heavier then usual.
I sighed.
I hate the winter I thought to myself, with its biting winds and below freezing temperatures, my reliable grey cloak hugged me warmly as I stood in front of the entrance to the Imperial city. Most people tend to think that just because you live in a city that you’re safe and sound, but then again, most people don’t know the Imperial city like I do. Most days people get mugged in the streets or murdered in their own homes, which is why I like to go on those long walks, But i don't blame the Empire, there's so many different cultures here they're bound to clash, still, I’m more afraid of the city then what’s roaming around out there. I kicked a chunk of ice and watched it shatter a couple of feet ahead.
The wind tore through empty streets. It almost seemed to howl out my name.
"Sejanus. Sejanus." I closed my eyes, listening carefully. It was definitely calling me now.
"Sejanus! Sejanus!" It almost started to sound afraid.
Out of the blizzard ran Rexus our houses Imperial guard, my best friend; he was a big brute of a man, more muscle then your prized Bristleback. As he hulked towards me, I noticed, to my surprise, that he was battered and bleeding. A bruise was forming on his cheek and a gash ran from his jaw down his neck. I watched him hop over the body of an imperial guard which was still convulsing from the aftershock of a rouge lightning spell.
“w…what happened here?!” I stammered.
“They struck wiv out warning master Vedius, assassins! I tried to get yer father to safety but…” he cut off.
“By the divines! Is he hurt? Where is he?
“Right in ere master Vedius, they locked themselves in the forge with him, not even I could get through that iron door!”
“Come on, Rexus! We have to help him!”
I tore through house and down the stairs only to be met by the large iron door of the forge; I could just about hear muffled voices from the other side, so I slipped my hand into the baggy pocket of my tunic and pulled out a single lock pick.
“We only get one chance, Rexus” I whispered, slipping the lock pick into the lock.
It clicked and the pins popped one by one as Sejanus turned it precisely to the right angle.
“You done it master Vedius!” said Rexus a little too loudly as he passed me my sword.
All eyes were fixed on us when we burst through the door, inside there were three figures all dressed in black and red leather armour, which I immediately recognised as the armour of the Dark brotherhood.
The woman that held my father pinned up against the smelter sharply snapped her masked head around to see me and Rexus burst through the doorway; she unsheathed a dagger and held it against his throat.
“Father! Are you okay.” I said, reassuring him that he will be ok.
“They’re from the Dark brotherhood, Sej…”
“How in Oblivion did you get through that door!?” she hissed in a defeated tone.
The two other assassins advanced on us slowly with their blades drawn.
“Right then, you better come with me or he dies!” she said jabbing the cruel point of the dagger further into my father’s throat, which made him try to struggle out of her grip.
“Like hell I am, you better let him go before I gut you like a fish!” I said desperately.
But I was too slow, she had already slit his throat, blood oozed from the wound and he slumped down the smelter onto the cold tiled floor.
“NO!” I screamed.
The woman’s eyes lit up although she was grinning but her mask prevented me from seeing any emotion from her.
“Don’t make me kill you too, boy……” she mocked, pointing at me with the tip of her bloodstained dagger.
Rexus flew into a rage and madly swung his gigantic war hammer at the two assassins that stood in our way; violently knocking them both to the floor their swords clattered to the floor as they both were knocked unconscious.
I let out a scream and charged the Assassin woman, but she blocked my strike, and retaliated quickly with a blow that sliced up my jaw to my cheek, I put my hand over the wound and could feel the blood trickling out of it.
The assassin woman giggled cruelly ran like lightning through the doorway so Rexus barged after her.
My sword clattered on the tiled floor and I collapsed to my knees sobbing over my father’s body.
“I could have stopped her! You idiot! You stupid old man! I could have stopped her before she….before…”
Suddenly I stopped crying, my sadness was now replaced with intense fear as I heard on of the assassins groan and start to wake up. I quietly reached for my sword that lay beside me and held it in my sweaty grip; I’ve never used a sword before, not really, not in anger and definitely not to kill. In the corner of my eye I could see the assassin sitting upright grasping his head in his hands.
“I’m going to die, I’m going to die and I’m only 17” I thought to myself.
I held my breath as the assailant clambered to his feet and tried to help his friend come around, but he wasn’t moving, his gloved hand brushed over the large pummel wound on his forehead where Rexus’s hammer had impacted.
So I did the only thing I could do. I killed him.
I don’t know what happened at first; I just couldn’t swing my sword at him right away. I never had any problems when training…but when I thought about my sword cleaving through his skull, I hesitated….after the initial shock, it washed over me, joy like I’ve never experienced before, joy because he will never harm us again, joy because his blood now decorated the floor…but then I remembered my father and all the joy left me.
(sorry it's a bit of a depressing end to the first chapter, it will get better i promise!