but there are things in both that i SO VERY MUCH LOVE and some things that i would be more than happy with out then.
In Oblivion i love being able to give people items like weapons and armor, mostly just the guards and see them in the new outfits, while limited between just 2 types it was still fun to do and i really wish i could have done that in Skyrim and give different faction sided town guards different looks, like the guards in Solitude i would have given them the Heavy Imperial helmet
http://www.uesp.net/wiki/File:SR-icon-armor-ImperialHelmet(full).png and some steel plate armor.
the guards in windhelm, i would have given them the Steel plate Helm .... because it has the wings on it

and then just go around like that with all the town guards etc with different helms for different towns and so on, I would really love to be able to change things like that for the town guards just in a more logical way than reverse pickpocketing, like visiting the guards barracks and changing the standard uniform in some way, maybe with the use of a mannequin.
i love being able to build houses, but i would like to have more than the same base design, having some things negates the need to have other locations, like the cellar being a forge, why have other forge related stations in the rest of the house @_@
i like the idea of being able to get married, but more houses should be available to pick from, and if so desired, more wives/husbands.
i really liked having the castle in Oblivion, your own personal fortress, i would really like to see another one in the next game, merge that with the abilities in the houses, being able to rebuild the place, decorate it a bit and so on.
I love being able to forge weapons and armor, but i think there should be more variations to the items and any items that exist should be able to be forged and or upgraded some how.
Oblivions spell creation was awsome, only problem was there were WAY too many spells, could take a full 5 min just to find one spell that your looking for.
im sure there are other things that could be added i just cant think of them all ATM, what are your thoughts?