» Sat Apr 20, 2013 4:04 pm
The Dwemer attempted and may have suceeded in escaping Nirn (and at least thier method left Nirn intact, unlike the Thalmor method) by using the Heart of Lorkhan/Shor/Shezzar to power a vessel called Numidium. Numidium was Big Stompy Robot #1.
Numidium was used to create alternate realities that happened at the exact same time and broke the Dragon in Daggerfell, The Main Villian in Morrowind was building Akulakhan (another Big Stompy Robot) to crush the Septims, and other things that may spoil Morrowind.
In Skyrim We were given another look at the Dwemer as a Race and thier obsessions with powerful Artifacts that do not have a connection to linear time and the Kalpic cycles.
It all fits together nicely as to why they did what they did and why certain Persons get extermely aggravated when talk about them coming back into the Game as the "Dwemer" is mentioned.