Disappearing chests and wardrobes in Hjerim

Post » Sun Apr 21, 2013 3:36 am

I bought the house in Windhelm.

When I first bought the house there was a bed in the bedroom and a wardrobe for storage.

There was a chest in the main room on the left after entering the front door.

After I started buying upgrades things started to disappear.

I bought the cleanup first then the childs bedroom then the armoury.

Around this time I noticed that the bed and the wardrobe had totally vanished so now I have a house I can't sleep in.

So I bought the bedroom upgrade which brought back the bed but there is no storage. The wardrobe is still missing and there is no chest.

I thought maybe they will return if I keep upgrading the house.

So now I've upgraded everything and realised there are no chests at all in the house.
Even the chest near the front door has totally vanished.

So after planning to move my family to Windhelm i've decided that the house was a total waste of gold as there is no proper storage. The house is even more bugged than the Solitude house. At least that house has storage.

Are these disappearing containers caused by the Hearthfire DLC, the latest patch or something else?

I've looked on the wikis and it doesn't go into detail what causes these bugs or how to avoid them.

Also just looked at the patch notes and it says this 'Fixed rare issue with disappearing containers after upgrades in player owned house'

Clearly this patch didn't fix anything because I started this character after downloading patch 1.9 and the chests started disappearing after buying upgrades.
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Post » Sun Apr 21, 2013 6:43 am

sounds like a ghost mystery. The guards are not responsible for it.
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Post » Sat Apr 20, 2013 7:20 pm

I just wouldn't bother with Hjerim, it's like the buggiest place in the game, i lost my nightingale sword and my chillrend as a result of hungry weapon racks.
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