but why just have a new large home and every thing, so i was thinking of quests and some lore i was reading in the game on notes and books (yes i some times actually read them)
and have a few ideas.
Falmer *sp* uprising, a large number of them are openly attacking towns/cities or what ever, there being controlled by a king/queen and ether kill them and take over, or drive them out (AKA KILL THEM ALL)
another possible one would be a mass waking of the undead, maybe some necromancer is up to no good, not just having your every day undead like the skeletons, what ever version of zombies and maybe a few new undead like ghouls or some thing, could even have some returns of some old enemies like the litch or what ever.
also possible would be some thing the forthsworn had taken over.
ether way what ever the location, i would lean more towards undead my self, but it should be enough that its a really nice big battle to take it.
but there probably wont be any new content for Skyrim as they are working on that online game now, i just hope some version of it would be for Xbox