Detecting object activation through quest

Post » Sun Apr 21, 2013 10:31 am

I made a test quest with priority of 75, not sure if that effects anythin or not, and Start Game Enabled.

I then attached a quest script:

scn zPowerStationFixScriptBegin Gamemode    If Player.activate zPowerStationMShelf03        showMessage zNRzDummyMSG    endifend

The idea is to detect when the player activates the zPowerStationMShelf03, which is just an activator, but nothing happens when its activated. I can apply the script directly to the activator, but I have a large number of objects that the player can activate and a single script monitoring them all seems like it would be easier to keep track of which have been activated and which haven't.

The above is just for testing, but I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong, any ideas?
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Jani Eayon
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