I have this http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=Mods.Detail&id=1430, and I really like it. As far as I can tell, it works flawlessly and doesn't conflict with anything in my LO... as far as I can tell in-game, that is. I just spent some time making a few compatibility plugins to fine-tune a few things here and there, and in doing so I ran a lot of checks for conflicts. Quite by accident, I stumbled onto a conflict between Healers and BTBGI - Settings. That was a little surprising, but I checked it out anyway to see what's up.
The conflict was over the NPC_ record for http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Morrowind:Elynu_Saren. Without even thinking about it, I merged the two, and added the merged NPC_ record to my own BTBGI tweaks plugin. I updated/repaired my save, and then went in to quickly check that the changes took effect. I had not yet visited this NPC in my save, so she didn't yet have an NPC_ record... perfect! I COCed to the Suran Temple, engaged her in dialog, and sure enough, there's the soul gems BTB added to her inventory. But wait... she doesn't offer to heal. Wait a minute... she's not even a healer! WTH?
Looking closer, the actual healer is a new NPC named "Orasa Telaram" (ID: raejakhealersuran), added by the Healers plugin. Since she is newly added by the plugin, there's clearly no conflict with her... but why the conflict with Elynu Saren? Looking at the merged NPC_ record, the only thing that looks any different from her non-modded form are the soul gems and a few spells added by BTBGI. I can't seem to find anything else that's different about her, and so now I'm thinking I just added a record to my compatibility plugin to fix a conflict that wasn't really a conflict at all.
I apologize for rambling... I just don'r want to leave anything out. So, the question, I guess, is this: even though the CS shows this NPC_ record as a change in the "details", is it possible that the mod didn't actually change anything? and if so, is there an easier way that I can tell? I've been using the CS, EE, TESTool, and TESPCD off and on for the past few months, but I'm not extremely proficient with any of them yet. Still, I can generally follow directions... if you use very small words.

Thanks in advance, and have a great Sunday... if it's still Sunday where you are.