Orc 2-handed help

Post » Mon Apr 22, 2013 2:22 pm

I've just started with a 2-handed orc warrior, ive been concentrating on leveling heavy armor, 2H, restoration and smithing, was wondering what other skill/perks would compliment them nicely.

Is it worth going for block perks? Is the 2 handed weapon block/bash useful?

or should i go for something else early like speech or something?

Cheers, Adam.
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u gone see
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Post » Mon Apr 22, 2013 8:56 am

Block is extremely useful for Two Handers, most people think it's useless. I assure you, it's not.

For the Block Tree, just pick the first perk, the one that slows down time, and the right side of the tree.
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Post » Mon Apr 22, 2013 2:05 am

Block is extremely useful for Two Handers, most people think it's useless. I assure you, it's not.

For the Block Tree, just pick the first perk, the one that slows down time, and the right side of the tree.

Thanks, any tips of two handed fighting?
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Post » Mon Apr 22, 2013 10:59 am

Thanks, any tips of two handed fighting?
I would have a follower. Mjoll the Lioness in Riften is great and is immortal.

View the area, try and figure out how many enemies there are.

Oh! You said you use restoration, obviously you must use your magicka right? Delve into Alteration. Try and get your magic resistance up.

Which reminds me, go for those mages. Cut them down fast.
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Roy Harris
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Post » Mon Apr 22, 2013 1:05 am

Standing power attacks are your bread and butter. They're quicker than the moving ones so easier to pull off.
As mentioned, block is a pretty good skill to take as well, any perk that doesn't specifically mention shields will still effect your blocking with a weapon.
Taking up destruction magic or archery isn't a bad decision either, it's not always the best idea to run into the fray.
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Post » Mon Apr 22, 2013 5:08 am

Heavier weapons crash through shields and blocks a lot easier than lighter ones. I use a modded in shorter bladed 2H sword, with a weight of only 15, and it is next to useless against blocks/shields.

You will also find that you are pretty vulnerable to ranged/magic attacks, which means you need to compensate for them - potions will help with the magic, and dodge and weave while closing with the archers/spell casters helps.

Remember to use your shouts - slow time in particular is very good for 2H warriors, or even elemental force.
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Chris Jones
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Post » Mon Apr 22, 2013 12:53 pm

Standing power attacks are your bread and butter. They're quicker than the moving ones so easier to pull off.
As mentioned, block is a pretty good skill to take as well, any perk that doesn't specifically mention shields will still effect your blocking with a weapon.
Taking up destruction magic or archery isn't a bad decision either, it's not always the best idea to run into the fray.
Which remind me again, make some Vegetable Soup.

Unlimited power attacks for 10 minutes. All you need are leeks, potatoes, tomatoes, and cabbages.
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Post » Mon Apr 22, 2013 9:29 am

i might as well add, since you're an orc, and someone suggested alteration, Being a werewolf makes everything weak. Cast your power and some flesh spells, then transform. you have a minute of pure bloodshed.
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