so heres what im doing, both of the characters have an almost identical skill set (conviently my skyrim characters skills lined up with the "scout" class in oblivion) they both use similar equipment and have the similar morals. i jump back and forth between the two characters as my mood strikes me but im trying to do it in a way that makes sense with both of the main quests. while playing oblivion i view my character's actions as though they are a dream or a vision of my skyrim character.
this is allowing me to explore aspects of skyrim that i hadn't had any interest in exploring before, specifically the imperial side of the civil war and the blades faction quests and it is also breathing new life into oblivion(prior to this playthrough i had only played oblivion very casually)
does anyone else have any similar playthroughs or characters? or have any tips on ways to further integrate my two characters?