1 improve the interface or controls to move and place objects and decorations; I am sure I am not the only one that would love this one, I really hate when something falls to the floor and it is impossible to place it back where it was due to the lack of presision and the counterintuitive if the controls for this actions. For me this is in the top of the list things I'd love to see in the game. After all I want to decorate my house with lots of things.
2 Make Brynjolf marriable; not kidding here, he is my Skyrim crush, it is Bethesda's fault for making him call me lass.
3 Supply more apereance customization options; no matter what I do, my imperial always looks old, I want the chance to make a young refreshing looking character, I've realized that this is a easy fix one, all you have to do is put more make up settings because all the eyeliner presets you have are the ones causing this, they look kinda too smoked.( I don't know if this makes sense to you, I think I was maybe too technical in make up terminology)
4 More clothing specially fine dresses for girls. And children; also shoes for the kids, they are bare footed.
5 children from other races; I would loved to adopt a kitten kajitt or an elf, and even an argonian.
I'd love if others could bring up ideas, I'd love to hear what people wishes to see in te game.