In light of how great this game is, I'd like to say that some of the most fun I've had (and I've had the game since 11-11-11) has been living a "normal" life in Skyrim. While I had fun adventuring and doing various questlines, I always thought it would be fun to be an "everyday" citizen of Skyrim (with a job, etc). I would have loved to be a bartender, cook, woodcutter, smith, bard, etc. I would have liked to be able to start up my own shop or tavern (maybe tie the quality of goods into your own smithing or cooking skill, to make cooking mean a bit more?)
On a related note: While it may seem trivial, I wish there had been more done with being a bard. You can join the Bard's College in Solitude, but little is done there, save retrieving others' equipment for them. Why not have a chance to actually train to be a bard? It could tie in with your speech skill as you learn to play different instruments and learn songs, maybe even "play" them as a rhythm mini-game. It might require an expansion to add in new songs and the playing of different tunes, but it would make being a bard mean a lot more, and make everything more immersive. Your speech skill could be made to directly impact how good you are as a bard, and how much money you make.
The option to actually have a child with your spouse (beyond adopting one) would be nice, and it would not require the addition of much in the way of advlt content either.
Lastly, one hope I have is that there will be: 1) A DLC dealing with a final conflict with the Thalmor and kicking the Aldmeri Dominion out of Skyrim for good, perhaps culminating in the crowning of a new High King or Queen of Skyrim. The Thalmor are too big a prescence in the game, in my mind, to do nothing further at all with them.
2) For those rarities like me, who are unable to make use of XBox Live, I am hoping there is eventually a version of Skyrim that willl include all the DLC that is made for it, so that everyone can share in and enjoy the greatest of experiences with it.
To all that may read this: Thank you in advance for taking the time to read. God bless.