1: if i give a named NPC a weapon will it stay with them or will the NPC eventually reset back to the default weapon even if i steal it from them? will the use shields or does that count as clothing for them as well?
2: who are the essential Followers that cant actually die or are there any? ie: serana
3: what is some effective but sixy looking armor on women in your opinion.
4: is there a full list of "Expendable" NPCs that are good kills for the ebony blade like beggers etc or people out of towns.
1: Yes, the NPC will default back to their weapon if you take the better one. Note: You will need a high Pickpocket skill to get the weapon back, as they have a higher weight count which makes getting caught easier.
2: If a follower is essential, they can not die, even by your own hand.
3: I find the leather armor is the best looking, but this is a subjective question. For all I know, you could have a steel fetish.
4: If you can kill them, they're expendable. Shop owners will generally get a replacement, though if you kill the second shop owner, you can no longer use the shop. Everyone else is fair game, as essential NPCs can not be killed.