Recent events have left me with a problem. I have a number of various custom signs in the land of Falskaar, with no custom textures for them! One of the skills I lack entirely is the ability to texture anything beyond simple retextures. (I added numbers to vault doors in Fallout, that's about all I can do

So, I had an idea. I'm running a little contest of sorts in the hopes that I can get the community a bit more involved with Falskaar's development, and do somewhat of a crowdsourcing on this. Here are the details:
What's the goal here? I am in need of a variety of signs. From town signs, to road signs. So, starting now (Duh!) if you are interested, you may submit sign designs and textures for the signs listed below. All submissions must be in the form of screenshots of your custom textures/signs in-game. You can take as many screenshots as you like to convey how awesome your sign is and why I should choose it.
When is the deadline? I will be choosing signs late next week, so it's ideal if you have your signs 'turned in' by the start of next Wednesday (May 1st). That gives you all a week to work on your signs, which will hopefully be enough to prompt a larger number of entries.
How do I submit my sign? Simply take one or more screenshots of your sign in use in game and post a link to that screenshot in this thread! I will review all of them, then choose the ones I like.
How will you choose who's signs make it in? I'll list all the signs I need below. I will simply pick one entry for each sign. Then I'll either just use the textures/models, or I may potentially request that the author work with me some more to perfect the design.
What signs should I make? Alright, here is a list of the signs I need, and the extra info you'll need:
- I need a number of road signs to line the roads of Falskaar! An exact list of locations will be given out to the winner, but for the contest you can use names like 'Amber Creek', 'Borvald', 'Staalgarde' or other places from the mod. Road sign entries will not be judged by what they say, but how they say it. I'm looking for signs that fit in with the vanilla game here, and are very close to vanilla road signs. If you want to put a unique twist on them, you are more than welcome to try.
- The Inn in the town of Amber Creek is in need of it's own unique sign! Please use the model for the Sleeping Giant Inn in Riverwood, as that is the model I'd like to use, so retexture that. (Unless you make your own model from scratch that still fits the area) The sign can say either "The Amber Mead Inn" or just "Amber Mead Inn" Whichever you think looks and sounds better. The Inn is best known for brewing it's own special brew, called, you guessed it! Amber Mead. So a mug of frothing ale, or similar themes are what I'm looking for! Of course you can always get creative with this!
- This one is optional. If I get any entries for this that I like, I'll go with them. Otherwise I'll simply use the default vanilla 'Blacksmith' sign that's currently in the picture. Keep in mind whatever sign you retexture needs to fit the area and buildings well.
- The general store in Amber Creek is also in need of it's own sign! The sign can either simply say "General Store" on it; or, for a more unique approach, it can say "The Amber Wheel", the old name of the store. It's up to you and what you think is best for your entry.
- A trade store at the docks, the sign should feature themes of water, the ocean, or trade by boat. Perhaps something with waves or a boat on it? It can say "The Water's Edge Trader" or simply "Water's Edge Trader".
- This is another 'I'll use it if I get a good one'. The town of Pinevale was a small mining settlement of only a few buildings that was burned down by bandits years ago. I thought it would be great if it had some sort of a 'Welcome to Pinevale' sign to make it more unique. The sign is old and worn, so make sure to make it fit the part. Themes can include mining, pine trees, the forest, wildlife, etc.
- The town of Borvald is enterable during a main quest, however none of the shops and (most of) the buildings inside of it are not enterable. However, I would love to make it feel deeper and more believable by adding signs for shops around the city. I'll take as many entries as the city will fit here, so if you have a lot of free time, go wild! Signs can include enchanters, a general store, an inn, a blacksmith, an alchemy store, or other town stores like that. None of them have names, so you can make up the name to put on the sign (If any).
What exactly should I make? You can either simply retexture a vanilla sign (Preferably the one shown in the respective pictures above) or make your own sign model from scratch. I'm going for a professional fitting look here, so please make it fit in with Skyrim and Falskaar, and don't do anything super crazy. (Fallout signs, real world madness, etc.)
Is there a limit to how many entries I can do? Nope! I'm simply going to pick what I like best for each sign/sign group, regardless of who made it. If you want to make an entry for each sign, go ahead. If you want to make 5 different entries for one sign, that's fine too. I'm going to pool them all up, and pick the one's I like the most.
So, that got a bit long winded, my apologies. Like I said I'll begin picking signs next week! I really hope this draws a lot of attention, especially with how short it is (As the mod is almost done!), but I may just get crickets in response. So please, if you have some free time, texturing skills, and a creative mind, I encourage you to try some sign design and submit what you come up with!
If you have any questions at all please feel free to ask!
Thanks everyone,
Alexander J. Velicky