What goes well with conjuration?

Post » Thu Apr 25, 2013 2:53 am

One little spoiler, just warning.

Hello all,
My question is: what goes well with conjuration? Perhaps only conjuration..? What I mean is that at this moment I have 2 dremora lords and have the possibility to respec. The problem, well, not really a problem, but what I don't like at the moment is that my dremora lords do everything for me and start to get weaker since I am level 37 at the moment. I want to do something myself too, but now I wonder which would be better: Conjuration with Alteration to get oakflesh, get bound swords and dremora lords, Conjuration with Archery to get dremora lords and bound bow, Conjuration with smithing and archery to make bows myself and summon dremora lords, conjuration with destruction to, well, summon dremora lords and kill everything with fireballs, in other words: what goes well with conjuration? I would prefer Archery, but I'm not sure if that is too weak. The main reason I wonder this is because with the new update we haven't got a level cap so I think dremora lords will get weak at like level 200 orso.

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Nitol Ahmed
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Post » Wed Apr 24, 2013 10:45 pm


Conjuration+Illusion= Invincible.
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Post » Wed Apr 24, 2013 3:37 pm

But the problem with Illusion is that even the master spells only work up to level 25, or am I wrong?
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Post » Thu Apr 25, 2013 3:29 am

im level 85(i guess) and dremora lords are still quite powerful.
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Charles Weber
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Post » Thu Apr 25, 2013 2:09 am

But the problem with Illusion is that even the master spells only work up to level 25, or am I wrong?
To be honest I don't really know, because the highest lvl I got my Illusion to was 67. Though, since Illusion is one of the most powerful magic skills besides Conjuration, and plus the effects stack so well, I don't think you'll have a problem in that department.
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kirsty joanne hines
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Post » Wed Apr 24, 2013 2:08 pm

What I mean is that with Illusion the spells say: blablabla for monsters up to level ... and if your level is above level 25 (master illusion spells) will they still work?
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Chris Johnston
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Post » Wed Apr 24, 2013 4:02 pm

What I mean is that with Illusion the spells say: blablabla for monsters up to level ... and if your level is above level 25 (master illusion spells) will they still work?
The Adept-Master spells should work, yes.
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Jade MacSpade
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Post » Thu Apr 25, 2013 12:16 am

Okay, that's cool then. Thanks!
One more thing: What's better? A daedric bow made by self or bound bow?
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Post » Wed Apr 24, 2013 1:14 pm

Okay, that's cool then. Thanks!
No problem man. Just your friendly neighborhood Thalmor doing his job.
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Adrian Morales
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Post » Wed Apr 24, 2013 3:22 pm

Anything really can go well with conjuration, depending on your play style. I like conjuring up whatever I have available. My conjured thing goes to work, I buff up my defense a little with some Alteration, then I might hurl some fireballs or whatever their way. NEver really went the Illusion route, but I'm definately intrigued. I'd love for my current mage to be well rounded.

If you get your illusion up you can cast a conjured minion (s) then throw some illusion spells their way and you'll never have to lift a finger to join the fight. Of course, once you get your Illusion and Conjuration up to lvl 100, then a different strategy is needed so you can level. Just have fun and experiment a little.
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Jessie Butterfield
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Post » Wed Apr 24, 2013 11:28 am

Okay, that's cool then. Thanks!
One more thing: What's better? A daedric bow made by self or bound bow?
A Bound Bow does not encumber a character, and can have three "Enchants" by Perks in the Conjuration Tree.
A Normal Bow can be Smithed to Legendary with the proper Perks in the Smithing Tree, but is limited to two Enchantments.
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Mario Alcantar
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Post » Wed Apr 24, 2013 10:46 pm

Illusion stays powerful with dual casting and all applicable perks. If you are a Vampire you can command and control any and all enemies up to Revered Dragons. Legendary Dragons iirc are the only things too powerful for the illusion spell.

However, I disagree with illusion being the best to couple with conjuration. Conjuration and Illusion are my favorite skills, but they both require a lot of magika to cast any useful spell. This means that unless you have the enchantments to reduce the costs of any one of the schools they often cant be used together successfully. I find that the best school for conjuration is actually Restoration. Wards, turn undead and healing along with the perks to boost magika regeneration and spell effectiveness vs undead do great to supplement a necromancer.

Alteration isnt necessarily the best, unless you are a spellsword build. Bound weapons + armor + mage armor make for a fun build but, the magika uptake to maintain the build is again substantial. The Atronach perk also limits the capability of summoned daedra so high perked Alteration isnt the best.

Destruction is bread and butter. You can try to not use it, but in all honesty, you will need some level of it until higher levels on higher difficulty.
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Post » Thu Apr 25, 2013 3:10 am

I have tested a lot of different character builds, and from them all I enjoyed this one the best:

Main skills:


Minor skills:

One handed

Before the battles, I prepared with one or two minions, and then I started an infighting from afar as I sat hidden is a safe place, and my minions would start to attack, and I would help them from afar with arrows, runes or other spells, and recreating new minions as they expire.

I would put all my level-up bonuses on Magicka, and a few on Stamina for silent rolls, and not wear any armor, as I would not get hit at all, and I would use all the robes and jewelry to help with my spells.

And sometime I would apply the finishing move with a nicely placed dagger between the shoulder blades of the target, dealing enormous amount of damage in one single stab.

With mods I had made the game world a lot harder place to live, and more dangerous, but with this character, I was invincible.

As for magicka usage, with this build, you would have an enormous amount of magicka at your disposal, and with enchanted robes and jewelry, you would use less and replenish them very fast.

So Stealth, Conjuration, and Illusion go best with each other.


I had another build that I liked a lot, and it was a Spell Sword, which used a sword in the right hand, and the left hand recruited minions, buffed the armor and other buffs, healed me, and threw a few fireballs around.

A fast paced, heavily armored, arcane battle force, which had a well rounded arsenal of offensive and defensive spells at hand, and also advanced in heavy armor, one handed and some smithing.
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Post » Wed Apr 24, 2013 11:38 pm

Illusion and Conjuration mesh very well. Nothing like frenzing a group to kill each other then thralling the most powerful one to do your bidding. :D

The only real draw-back is Illusion does not work on Dragons, no matter what. The level system placed on it can easily be avoided.
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Beulah Bell
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Post » Thu Apr 25, 2013 2:54 am


Archers and mages can use them as distractions and meat shields. Warriors can use them as an extra ally in overwhelming situations. Thieves can use them as decoys to escape.
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Rebecca Dosch
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Post » Wed Apr 24, 2013 12:00 pm

But the problem with Illusion is that even the master spells only work up to level 25, or am I wrong?
You can get perks that increase the level.
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Ross Thomas
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Post » Wed Apr 24, 2013 2:15 pm


Archers and mages can use them as distractions and meat shields. Warriors can use them as an extra ally in overwhelming situations. Thieves can use them as decoys to escape.

Trust this man (Lich? Ghost?), he knows his stuff when it comes to meat shields and overwhelming situations.
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Adrian Powers
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Post » Wed Apr 24, 2013 7:08 pm

Trust this man (Lich? Ghost?)...

Dragon Priest.
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