» Thu Apr 25, 2013 3:00 am
Do you'r homework and research more and more.
I ran so many mods, that so many profiles got messed up, and others did not. Why? because i did not pay attention.
Some mods have scripts, which means the moment you install a mod and save a game with that mod, you are stuck with that mod till the end. Some exceptions of such mods, include how to stop the scripts in the console to safely uninstall the mod, again some.
With that said, it is always a good idea to back up the profile before installing mods, so you can test the mod as you wish with no fear.
With that said, i ran over 90 mods on one profile, weapons, armor, texture and re-texture packs, immersion, weather, lighting, followers etc.
There is no problem when running so many mods, just make sure that mods are compatible with other mods (always read the description), and scripted mods that may require "special" procedure to uninstall (just a console command).
But no, with over 1,000 hours in Skyrim, i have yet to face a virus. Skyrim Nexus is trustworthy and no issues from them at all.