Stupid Vilkas

Post » Thu Apr 25, 2013 8:05 am

When i walked into the mead hall to sign up for the companions, i was already the dragonborn, slayer of alduin, archmage of winterhold, nobility of telvanni, killer of miraak, servant of mora, murdered the volhikar(or was it volkihar, bah they all the same) vampires, guildmaster of thieves guild, patron of all daedric lords(except jyggalag), worshipper of talos, killer of elenwen etc etc....

AND he says, 'I never even heard of this outsider before'.......
Whats worse, the harbringer says 'Sometimes the unknown come to us'.....

ARE YOU LIVING UNDER A ROCK?! Sometimes i just wished i could join the silverhand and wipe these ignorant milkdrinkers out. Perhaps send them to the legion.
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Victoria Vasileva
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