PauldronsGreaves Project

Post » Thu Apr 25, 2013 3:53 am

Someone requested a pauldron/greaves mod a while ago.
And it turns out Topvman was happy to let us use his greaves meshes for it.
So I went ahead and made a mod that would distribute the items (enchanted and unenchanted) through the game and to merchants.

But the meshes could still use some polish work.
See the description page for more details
If anybody can do that, just email the updated or new meshes to and I'll handle the rest.
You'll be credited appropriately, both through the in game MCM menu as well as in the descriptions and anywhere else I can possibly think of.

The meshes for pauldrons and greaves were made by Kai1995 and Topvman respectively.
The latter gave permission, the former hasn't logged into skyrim nexus for months,
but his permissions tag says we can use his meshes so long as we credit him.

So special thanks to both of them for making this possible.
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Jessie Butterfield
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