Rough, Rugged and Raw

Post » Wed Apr 24, 2013 11:40 pm

This is a thread to share pics of characters who have been to battle and you can see it on their face....basically all the characters that aren't beautiful or model types, alignment and six doesn't matter, nor does mods or vanilla.

I'll start off with this sixy beast ha:
Here's another of him with a reminiscing of good battle look beside the fire:

I'd like to see some warrior women for some ideas to create one but really all tough characters are welcome
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Symone Velez
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Post » Thu Apr 25, 2013 12:19 pm

I don't know how to screen-shot on the Xbox sadly. Although, I'll share my new character.
Character Name: Archie Pelagia

Race: Imperial
Class: Scout
Age: 32
Hair: Hair very similar to Severio Pelagia.
Facial Hair: N/A
Hair Color: Black

Archie doesn't show any emotion towards his enemies, but shows little emotion towards people that is his friend. He is respectful amongst the Stormcloak rebels and worships Talos in private. He is very quiet when danger lies ahead and doesn't speak until he senses that danger is clear and will start up a conversation with his follower.

Combat Preferences
Archie wears hide armor like a scout. He wields a Imperial sword due to his ties with Cyrodiil and the Empire. When he goes into battle, he keeps his family in his mind and while his family in his mind, he becomes a unstoppable machine of destruction and kills any enemies that stands in his way.

Family Background:
Archie's father was a traveling merchant who traveled from Cyrodiil to High Rock and Hammerfell, whom couldn't spend much time with the family back at the farm. His mother was a farmer on the family farm, who worked hard by herself, occasionally helped by Archie and Severio.

Archie's brother, Severio Pelagia, moved to Skyrim, hoping to start a farm and send down money to the family farm for mother. After Archie was wrongly captured by the Imperial Legion from crossing the border into Cyrodiil, he managed to escape the town of Helgen with his life and ask Severio if he could live there until he has a home of his own.
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Dan Stevens
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Post » Thu Apr 25, 2013 12:33 am

Lol the title reminds me of the smith up in Solitude, when you get your Imperial armor:

Light, medium... or heavy?
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Jeremy Kenney
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Post » Thu Apr 25, 2013 1:47 pm

I don't know how to screen-shot on the Xbox sadly. Although, I'll share my new character.
Character Name: Archie Pelagia

Race: Imperial
Class: Scout
Age: 32
Hair: Hair very similar to Severio Pelagia.
Facial Hair: N/A
Hair Color: Black

Archie doesn't show any emotion towards his enemies, but shows little emotion towards people that is his friend. He is respectful amongst the Stormcloak rebels and worships Talos in private. He is very quiet when danger lies ahead and doesn't speak until he senses that danger is clear and will start up a conversation with his follower.

Combat Preferences
Archie wears hide armor like a scout. He wields a Imperial sword due to his ties with Cyrodiil and the Empire. When he goes into battle, he keeps his family in his mind and while his family in his mind, he becomes a unstoppable machine of destruction and kills any enemies that stands in his way.

Family Background:
Archie's father was a traveling merchant who traveled from Cyrodiil to High Rock and Hammerfell, whom couldn't spend much time with the family back at the farm. His mother was a farmer on the family farm, who worked hard by herself, occasionally helped by Archie and Severio.

Archie's brother, Severio Pelagia, moved to Skyrim, hoping to start a farm and send down money to the family farm for mother. After Archie was wrongly captured by the Imperial Legion from crossing the border into Cyrodiil, he managed to escape the town of Helgen with his life and ask Severio if he could live there until he has a home of his own.

you've got a knack for painting a characters picture with a backstory :thumbsup:

as for snapping pics on xbox, most of us do the ghetto photography and point phones at the TV :P
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james kite
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Post » Thu Apr 25, 2013 12:58 am

you've got a knack for painting a characters picture with a backstory :thumbsup:

as for snapping pics on xbox, most of us do the ghetto photography and point phones at the TV :tongue:

Ah, I see. :P
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Harry Leon
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