What exactly is causing scenes, quest to block

Post » Thu Apr 25, 2013 9:26 am

I usualy install quest mods. I have a handfull of them and everything was OK till recently when more and more scenes won't finish for me, NPCs I need to talk to are stuck with that "person is busy" (or something) notification, quests won't advance.
Right now I play trough http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/20246 and every single scene seems stuk (eg: gates won't auto open, npcs not getting out of chairs) and not advancing the quests while is supposed to happen so, every time I'm told to follow someone ant talk at the destination they are stuck with that "busy" notification.
Luckily, I know my way around and console commands like disable/enable, kill, etc or summon a hostile for the stuck NPC to attack got me out of those situations and if not I got in CK to found what quests to advanced by console....but I'm sick of it.
I also noticed the description of Maids 2 mod, which I didn't played yet, that warns that the mod is havy scripted and having many mods can cause exactly those kind of issues. This made me believe more that this is more of a game issue rather then a mod one.
So, my question is, anyone pin pointed out what exactly is the source those things, how they can be avoied? regardless particular mods as they seem to work well for some people but are bugged for others
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