Cyrodillic Vampyrum & Volkihar: Build & Discussion

Post » Fri Apr 26, 2013 12:01 am

Race: Any
Skill Trees: Illusion, Speech, Enchanting, Alchemy (optional), Sneak (optional), add a basic class to fit preference (warrior, thief, mage, etc)
RP items: Vamp artifacts (Dawnguard dlc), Mace of Molag Bal or Masque of Clavicus Vile
Stone: Atronach, Lady, Lord, Serpent, Shadow, Lover
Shout: Aura Whisper, Dismay, Drain Vitality(Dawnguard dlc), Marked for Death
Faction: Any
Spells/abilities: All Illusion Spells, Vamp seduction, embrace of shadows
Special: Vampirism (Not Vampire Lord)
Discussion: CyroVamps are really any class with illusion and speech added in for that manipulative design. Any character (even a vamp hunter) can be played Cyrodillic. Stage 4 is recommended if you have Dawnguard, Stage 1 if you do not

Race: Any (Nord Preference)
Skill Trees: Destruction, Conjuration, Sneak, Illusion (optional), Light Armor (optional), add any offense skills you desire
RP items: Vamp artifacts (dawnguard dlc), Chillrend, Mace of Molag Bal
Stone: Atronach, Lord, Lady, Mage, Apprentice, Serpent
Shout: Frost Breath, Ice Form, Become Ethereal, Aura Whisper, Drain Vitality (dawnguard dlc)
Faction: Purebloods (dawnguard dlc), Dark Brotherhood, College of Winterhold (optional)
Spells/abilities: All Frost-related spells
Special: Vampirism (Preferrably not Vampire Lord)
Discussion: The Volkihar is a savage Vampire who preys upon the living and is specialized in the Cold. Without the dawnguard dlc this build works well with stage 4 as the Volk are not meant to blend with society. Use Frost magic (although it is difficult because of all Skyrim inhabitants resistance to it) as well as summoning Frost Atronachs or Mistmen (dawnguard dlc). Stealth is useful but not required to be effective. Cloth robes or light fur/hide/leather armor is recommended (these are the nords of vampires after all). For RP the Vamp should only do quests that do not involve peaceful interactions with the living (don't say it is impossible because I have completed the DB questline at Stage 4 without feeding (pre-dawnguard)).

Nothing to this build, Get Dawnguard, Join Purebloods, Build the Lord Perk Tree

As always it should be noted that these builds are RP preference and should be treated as such. Comments, Critiques, feedback always welcomed
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Ross Zombie
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