As of now I've completed both Skyrim and Dawnguard, and my character and his team have taken up temporary residence in Fort Dawnguard. Isran has accepted Chadric's request to use the upstairs balcony rooms over the main chamber as a base, seeing that he doesn't really need it anymore after the defeat of Harkon. As well as having plans to fully renovate this area, along with the rest of Fort Dawnguard, he also plans to build extensions for his team as well as extra defences for the fort itself. One of these extensions to Fort Dawnguard will be to extend the stairs leading down off the balcony area so that it leads into a large operations and living area for his Dragonians.
This will remain their base until he can move to Falkreath Hold, at which point he'll appoint a specialist unit called the "Silver Dragons" to both liaise with and support the Dawnguard in their vampire operations. I might also have a secondary specialist unit I have planned to also operate out of Fort Dawnguard on a limited basis, a unit who will be fully trained and armed to fight other supernatural forces, especially the Daedra! This unit will be called "The Defenders of Stendarr", or simply "Defenders". Unlike the Vigilants of Stendarr, the Defenders of Stendarr will be much more militaristic. They will be equipped with specialised highly enchanted Daedra like armor and weapons (a cross between Dragonbone and Daedric in design). The same goes for the Silver Dragons, who's armor and equipment will be aimed at fighting mostly vampires. Although separate units with their own unique enemies, they will still be able to liaise and work together, given that vampires and Daedra are all supernatural and do have their own connections.
Comments and questions welcome!