I'm doing an escort mission for the Companions, and I got Tormir. So I get her out of Broken Fang Cave, and I have to bring her all the way to Darkwater Crossing in Eastmarch.
In this playthrough I'm trying to stave off my urge to fast travel as much as I can, so I decide to actually escort her all the way there. I take the path near Helgen to cut through the mountains in the Rift, and come across the Alchemist's Shack. Since we'd been traveling for about 33 in game hours straight, I decided we should take a little rest.
I go outside after resting, and this little girl literally just clips into the game out of NOWHERE. I looked her up, and her name is Hrefna. She's Tormir's daughter, who lives all the way out at Darkwater Crossing. She's now following me along with Vigilance, Tormir, and Stenvar. Tormir is her mother, so I'm assuming since her mother is following me, that's why she is too.
Whenever we get into combat she runs way though, but she has a pickaxe and takes it out everytime there are enemies nearby. Maybe she'll use it. She should, since children are literally invincible!
I'm also playing with this bug that happens occasionally, where if I play in 3rd person with my weapon equipped, the camera will zoom back in to the over-the-shoulder view if you don't have any weapons out. It looks much better than the overhead view you get when you're armed in 3rd person, and I personally love when this happens, but I've never had this child thing before.
Hooray for bugs!