» Wed May 01, 2013 9:24 pm
Err that's not why people have AA, it's to allow full mobility while running across the open without the risk of getting insta-killed. Some bad bow users rely on stealth way too much, often stealthing even after they've been spotted (and dying even faster).
But the good ones know how to abuse the auto-aim while running at full speed and taking jump-shots. AA can greatly help with that, making them very hard to hit. There are not many modules that work with Bow, stuff like Rapid Fire, Weapon Pro, Aim Enhance, etc all have zero effect.
So that pretty much leaves Maneuverability + AA + Retriever or Maneuverability + Phantom + Retriever (if you despise AA) and you're set.
in my opinion any who uses AA period is wasting a perk.
your really that lazy you cant press q?
Urgh, not this again. AA preemptively blocks damage that you didn't see coming, i.e. getting shot from behind or Gauss-sniped across the map. Doesn't matter how good you are at hitting Q, you can't predict the future like AA can.