Is there any way to swap between weapon models when you draw your weapon. I have tried using something like this but with no success;
scriptname MCZOsingularitylaserclosedscript
begin gamemode
if ( Player.GetEquipped MCZOsinglaserclosed == 1 ) && (player.isweaponout == 1)
UnequipItem MCZOsinglaserclosed 0 1
RemoveItem MCZOsinglaserclosed 1 1
AddItem MCZOsinglaser 1 1
Equipitem MCZOsinglaser 0 1
The script is meant to swap between two similar models between when it is drawn and when it is on the players back.
The idea is that there would be a similar script on the second model so they are interchangable. The script above crashes the game when the weapon is drawn.
Other ideas - I think there is a way to change between models based on condition? Is there a way that could be set up so the condition changes when it is put on the back to change model? The gun would have to be basically invincible to keep restoring and reducing condition.