Building a series Legacy Playthrough, help?

Post » Sun May 05, 2013 9:44 am

Heya all, I need ideas.

I enjoy playing through RPGs with screenshots and keeping a journal. I mostly do this on a larger scale with The Elder Scrolls, and on a single-game basis with Fallout. This is because since 'magic' and methods of immortality, with hurdled its possible to pretend you are playing the same character from Arena all the way to Skyrim. Obviously, this is impossible with the Fallout series. You can also play as a family line in TES, and while not impossible, its difficult to do in Fallout.

However, I really want to do a Legacy playthrough from Fallout to New Vegas, and into whatever Fallout 4 turns out to be.

So, I need help with building ideas up into something I can play, and playstyle ideas.

Intially, I considered a ghoul as a player character, but sadly there are no mods that allow this for FO1 and 2. Plus, I don't fancy the idea. A family line is possible, but the connection may aswell not exist, for all the distance between the characters. I need a solid, common link between the playthroughs beyond the setting and factions. Has anyone got any ideas?

I'm also a little concerned about choosing character ideas i'll stick with. I can't even count how many abandoned/'postsponed' playthroughs of Fallout 2, Fallout 3 and New Vegas I have where i've just lost interest in roleplaying the character. I love the Brotherhood of Steel for example, but playing as a boy/girlscout member is pretty damn dull after days of roleplaying it. I'm all for morally ambigious characters, but slavers have never interested me. The problems differ by game, too, however. i alos find that just starting and letting the character 'find themselves' is rarely a sucess.

Fallout 1 is pretty short, and I have no issue playign standard out-of-his-element Vault Dweller.

Fallout 2 is where I start hitting problems. The isometric view has always given me issues when it comes to roleplaying, and I start falling into the trap of having no actual character behind the characters choices, and I start minmaxing and choosing the most boring and standard choices because they are the most efficent/expected from a gameplay standpoint. For example, all the interesting mature stuff in New Reno? By that point a character is generally somewhat well off, in good armor, with a good weapon, and decent abilities... so there is no drive/motive behind doing something for roleplaying reasons because they no longer fit the character by this point in the game. I also have issues thinking up interesting character concepts, as i'm unsure about what actual choices I have. I know you can joint he Brotherhood, but in one complete playthrough and around eight aborted ones, i've never found any other pleasing options. Such as actually joining the Enclave.

Fallout 3 is where i've had the most success. The problem here is that in over a thousand hours of play time i've exausted a lot of styles. I've been the intelligent young man who becomes the Rothschild to Sarah's Lyons. I've been the slick hitman/agent taken under the wing of Burke. I've been the wasteland doctor taking after his father, just wandering, questing and doing good with a magnum at his hip. That i've not been is the borderline-raider, but i'm not sure how easy it would be to roleplay it, and reckon it would be a challenge... and thus my most solid idea about all this so far. Broken by fleeing the Vault, her fathers death, Amata's betrayal, and then ending up in the Pitt.

New Vegas I actually get spoiled for choice, and bored by the opening stretch. The main quest up until choosing your faction allegiance somehow bores me to tears, even if I skip half of it. And half of the interesting stuff doesn't happen for potentially weeks of playtime with the way I roleplay, due to the way the game is designed. I often start with a character concept in mind but it generics its way away as I arrive on the Strip and realise i'm not enjoying the experiance. I generally get around this by having the character decide the chip isn't important or that chasing your killers is a bad idea. I also have to admit, I find there is a little too much freedom for my liking, in that I like to base my characters motivations around what is happening around them, while acting the every day person.

This... doesn't work in NV because aside from getting shot in the head, which for a normal person is not motivation to try for an encore, there is nothing driving a character to start with. No factions you can easily join, to give them purpose. I found 'find Dad' in FO3 to be a very powerful motivation for doing things. I flounder when dropped in the Mojave and left to it. Also partially because of how orderly the Mojave is. The BoS is a hidden bunker that will turn a sensible character off from joining them immediatly, if they even find them. The NCR is portrayed as corrupt and overextended, and you can't actually become a Veteran Ranger by definition. The Enclave, Isn't. The Legion is never fleshed out, and even if not playing a female, come across as puppy kicking evil. House is a prat and offers no real motive for joining him aside from vague promises and greed. One idea I had was to 'carry over' a FO3 Wanderer whose backstory had been established byt he previous game, sent West to scout by Lyons, his motive being to seek out the Movaje branch of the BoS. But... that would require me to actually get through and find interesting another 'good guy' playthrough of FO3.

I don't generally feel constrained to follow the strict plots of the games, in Bethesda titles. Clever posing, selective ignoring of what certain characters say, and mods/consoles codes allow for very interesting playthroughs. Such as actually joining the Enclave, rather than killing them. Taking over the Pitt as opposed to simply choosing who has Marie. But for a Legacy playthrough I like to keep things in line with the 'story' set out by the writers, so a future game doesn't contradict whats played out previously.

Has anyone actually found a way to play a Legacy playthrough? And has anyone ran into the same hurdles? Wow, this turned out a lot longer than I expected, I must be more frustrated than i expected. I hope I get some reponses, because this took a while to write...

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carrie roche
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 2:27 am

Personally I don't do legacy playthroughs, but here are my suggestions.

You can't do a legacy playthrough between 1&2, because 2 takes place 80 years after 1. In fact the Chosen One is a direct descendant of the Vault 13 Dweller.

FO2 and FOT, might be possible. In that in FOT you play a tribal that was recruited into the MWBOS.

FO3 and FNV is possible. You can rp that after the events of FO3 the LW, due to the vast experience picked up during their adventures in the DC wasteland, took up a job as a courier and was sent to New Vegas for the first time.

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Laura Hicks
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 9:32 am

You could just try and have each character have the same exact build. It would be interesting to see how things play out in each different game with all the stats raising in a similar fashion.

Even with skills. In the firs at Fallout if you put 5 points in small guns, 7 points in speech, and 4 points in sneak you have yo do the same with all the games. Of course you would have to change them accordingly for situations where the skill no longer exists.

Also a family line can be easy as long as you play a member of the Brotherhood each game. The only one that may give you a problem is New Vegas.

So for instance, Fallout you are a member, blah blah blah. Then in Fallout Tactics you play as that persons son. This guy has a son who returns back west and that is the Fallout 2 character. He has a child who moves east with Lyon's chapter. Then that same exact character tries to return home, but gets stuck in the Mojave.

Assuming the first guy starts at like 20 I think these ages would be the best.

1. Fallout (2162) 1st guy age - 20
2. Fallout Tactics (2197-8) 2nd guy age - 25-6
3. Fallout 2 (2241) 3rd guy age - 34
4. Fallout 3 (2277) 4th guy age - 35
5. Fallout New Vegas (2281) 4th guy again age -39
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Kayla Keizer
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 7:07 am

Hm, thank you both for the responses, was beggining to think no one was going to, hehe.

I suppose if i'm going to, it may very well have to be a family bound by the Brotherhood. On thinking, that doesn't have to be restrictive. Only their parentage is really binding, for the most part.

In FO3 and New Vegas, they could technically be the same character from a roleplay standpoint. So I can still make my 'raider' character, they are just rebelling. As far as I know James background is left pretty vague, so I could have him be simply a Brotherhood emmber who 'left' to do his own science-y thing.

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Elisabete Gaspar
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 4:46 am

However for the first three I'd keep them pretty closely associated.

You can "join" them in Fallout, in Fallout tactics you don't have a choice. And in Fallout 2 you can pretend you are like a BoS agent working in North Cali.

Then by 3 he could have a falling out, but still be willing to help out. And fortunately in New Vegas, the BoS is essentially tech hoarding raiders! Unless they ally with the NCR. So go for Independent on that play through.
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Damian Parsons
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Post » Sat May 04, 2013 8:13 pm

Yes, James vague past can make your type of gameplay possible. Imo he was Enclave, cause if no one ever seen what an enclave soldier looked like. How did he recognize them? Also why didn't he give Col. Autumn the purifier code? After all most people in the DC wasteland didn't know their true intentions.

But anyway, James vague past makes playing a legacy playthrough possible.

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Joe Alvarado
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 8:19 am

According to the wiki he was born in 2226, so for all we know is that James was a very young Chosen one!

For this legacy roleplay you could do just that, your Fallout 2 character has to be 15 though. And the Chosen One is the Vault Dweller's grandson. So you can then fill in that father gap with the Warrior as the Vault Dweller's son.

Then James (the Chosen One) moves to D.C. and the Lone Wanderer is born who later becomes the Courier.

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Marina Leigh
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 10:36 am

What's cool about the originals is that you can set your age. Don't know what the youngest can be though? So like WonderWombat said a 15-16 year old Chosen One is appropriate.

Also in New Vegas in one of the vaults there is a picture of a man and woman. The man awfully looks alot like young James the woman could be the LW's mother. So even though it's never been confirmed that it is James and his wife. You can rp that they are.

Here's the picture:

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