Killcam issues and lags on the PS3.

Post » Sun May 05, 2013 3:47 am

Hello, my names is Thelordofomega22. I'm currently having troubles on Skyrim for the PS3. At first I thought it was a closed quarters thing, but now it happens every time. I'll be in third person, which I always am. Then when I go to do a killcam, it switches to first person. WTF?! Is anyone else having this issue?! I love the third person killcams, they're awesome. Don't get me wrong, I use first person too. But only to shoot my bow, crossbow and search for stuff. But now there's that lag issue again. My friends and I froze four time in one day. If anyone has an idea what's wrong, or knows if bethesda is going to fix these issues, then please let me know. Thank you for readin and or posting on this blog. Your friend, and fellow gamer, Thelordofomega22. (Argonians rule! LOL.)

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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 1:51 am

Killcams went from being a minor nuisance to a blight on the game for me. Every time one of them was triggered, my will to play the game dropped. The stiff animations, weird sound effects, missed arrows and spells.... I just couldn't take it. I don't need an "epic" way to kill mudcrabs and wolves. It wasn't the only reason I gave up on Skyrim, but it played its part.

As for PS3 performance, it's probably as good as it's going to be. It actually ran quite well for me by the time 1.8 was released. I was one of the people who had major problems running the game up until about patch 1.5. Before that, it was hardly playable after 20 hours. I stopped playing before 1.9, so I don't know if that helped/hindered performance.

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Post » Sat May 04, 2013 11:55 pm

Thanks, but I'm a Skyrim gamer until the end. Not saying anything bad, and don't mean to offend you if I do. But the 1.9 patch gave us the legendary difficulty and the the option to legend out a skill. The legend out thing is kinda awesome, but it makes it difficult to level up. By the time I got to level eighty one, I was a major bad ass. But when I legend out my one handed and heavy armor skil, it took forever to get it back up to a hundred again. And when I level up I don't get any perks. I just have the ones from my old skills. So I wouldn't recommend legending out. I'm now a level eighty three, and I'm only at level sixty three with my one handed and level forty five with my heavy armor. But I am sick of first person killcams, when I'm in third person!!!! I have an eye condition, so I'm basicly blind without my glasses. But the decapition and the other first person killcams make me sick. They're to fast and very hard to follow. But I'm asking YOU bethesda. (if you actually pay attention to these forums.) To please fix this issue! Like I said, I'll be in third person, then it'll do a first person killcam!!!! I know I sound like I'm [censored]ing, but come one! This new patch is a pain in my ass. (Sorry for swearing by the way.) But the other issue is the new/old lag. I'll be out in the world riding my horse, and BOOM, it'll start to lag. It kinda does that Fallout thing, where you're walking and it starts to freeze every other step. Then it freezes, and you have to turn off your system, and for me, I have to do a data restore for some reason. And yesterday I was riding Shadowmere to go kill commander Maro. (He's a bastard, if I may say so.) Then my screen went black, and it sent me to my XM media bar. What is wrong with this game right now?! PLEASE bethesda! Fix this stuff! I'm begging you! (not to sound like a whiny little girl. No offense.) But I know I'm not the only one with this issue. My friends have it too. But I'll stop complaining, and get to thanking NothingButKnight for trying to help. It was nice of you to try to help. I appreciate it. So to end this long ass reply, I must say, FIX THESE ISSUES BETHESDA!!!! Anyways, thanks for reading. Your friend and fellow gamer, Thelordofomega22. (Argonian Dovakin is the only way to go. LOL.)

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