Hi there, I've read a lot of threads so I'd like to thank the community at large for
all the attempts to help people in my position. However, I have tried several fixes
and the issue is unchanged.
The game freezes periodically during gameplay, usually within a few minutes. This
happens all the time, regardless of setting. It took me several goes to actually get
past the opening cinematics to the point where I could save.
Here are the fixes I have attempted in no order:
Update to 1.7;
download the k-lite codec pack;
'MaximisedWindow'; (link: http://www.techsupportforum.com/gaming-forum/gaming-discussion/342884-fallout-3-fix-thread.html)
Start from launcher;
All possible combinations of windows compatibility settings;
New drivers;
Windowed mode;
Lowest settings and default settings;
Switched of AA;
Regular saves and loads;
Deactivating all non-essential processes and services;
Changes to the .ini and reverting to the original;
Downloaded Live 2.0.
EDIT: I have now installed the unoffical as advised in this thread http://www.gamesas.com/?showtopic=973552
My set-up:
Dell laptop
Core i3
4gb ram
ATI Mobility Radeon 4500
Windows 7
I've got to admit its a compelling game even in the introductory bit I've played, otherwise I think I would have throw it out the window by now ^^ But I'd really like to be able to play -- the freezes ruin it and I'm considering trying to trade it in and get in on Xbox.
Thanks in advance for any help you can offer!
EDIT: Here's a list of sources for the fixes I've tried (it is not exhaustive):
EDIT (5:30utc): It seems I have fixed the problem. Just played for an hour without a crash. For anyone experiencing similar issues, the latest changes I made were as follows:
I added a line to the ini as I have a dual core processor --
An earlier fix i tried was to set bUseThreadedAI to 1; I set it back to to 0.
I also installed the unofficial patch. I hope this information helps you!
On a tangent I'd also like to say the game is absolutely stunning -- worth the nightmarishly convoluted mission I've just finished ^^
Good luck