Boxed 2002 Buenos Aires, as a recreational game not to run mad in Dungeon Siege
GOTY box set. But the interesting part is how I came about to own it.
I was at the computer store place (cant remember which) looking to replace my copy of Neverwinter Nights, which had been damaged in a flood. Well I was looking at the box, when suddenly, a big golden box with "Morrowind" written on it caught my eye. I picked it up, read the back and thought "...This looks neat, and its not too expensive. Plus I can always download NWN...I did already pay for it once..."
I had no idea what I was getting. None. I didnt know what Elder Scrolls games were, and had never heard of them. Any of them.
The rest of that year is kinda a blur. I started playing well before Oblivion was even announced, and kept playing.
And here I am today. Due to sheer random chance.
Five years ago in a hobby shop. It was pristine, I nommed on it, and played it until my eye's bled.
Memories. ;D