I am heavily roleplaying a thief character. I just finished the eleven maiden quest for the thieves guild. Now that Arano is in the clink, is here house safe? Can I use it as my own now?
I think most of the containers are not safe for storage, and you can't sleep in the bed since you're trespassing. But other than that you can use it, sure.
If you can sleep in her bed and being in her house is not tresspassing, that is a good start. The containers in a space are not 'all or none'; some may be safe but most are probably unsafe. Testing each one is wise. In the meantime, right next door is the 'Abandoned Shack' (not to be confused with the shack for sale. The beds are available to sleep in and all seven sacks there are safe storage. There are a couple of transients that will share the place with you and it makes a fine starter home for a poor thief type. If Myvryna's storage doesn't work out, you can use those sacks next door.
I knew about the abandoned shack next door, but I am very curios about this house though. I've completed this qusetline multiple times but never thought about it. Once I realized I could sleep there, the possibility opened up. I will let you know if it works out.
By the way, just started reading Buffy's story. Love it so far. Good work.
Sorry to get off topic, don't want anyone telling me not to do that as well.