Can anyone shed some light on these two for me? i've been seeing a lot of threads about them but haven't encountered them (I play on console with all DLC's)
Can anyone shed some light on these two for me? i've been seeing a lot of threads about them but haven't encountered them (I play on console with all DLC's)
Oh okay, are they both located on Solstheim?
Karstaag is located at this castle ruins on Solstheim, the Ebony Warrior will meet you randomly in a city at level 81+
No, ebony warrior's in Skyrim.
Or an aspect of Talos.
and Kaarstag's ghost is a boss.
Okay thanks guys, is Karstagg worth killing or is just a waste?
Hes not an aspect of Talos. Why over complicate it? Hes a Redguard that has been on many adventures and is looking for a suiting death so that he may spend eternity in Sovngarde.
You don't have any more ground to stand on and say he's not an aspect of Talos than I do to say he is. He knows the thu'um, he's as tall as tsun, and is powerful enough to kill crowds of the most powerful beings in the game. Alduin, harkon, miraak, etc all at the same time. He's nor just some random adventurer imo. But of course I cant prove it, yet you don't see me telling you you're absolutely wrong. You call it over complicating things, I call it seeing the forest from the trees.
A redguard talking about sovngarde is wierd... Seems Talos is more likely as we've had him pop up in morrowind and oblivion.
Then maybe he's an aspect of Zenithar. Tall as Tsun (Nord Zenithar), Zenithar appeared as a Redguard in Morrowind.
Or he's just an awesome adventurer who nobody really knows about.
Why would Sai be talking about the Empire and Emperor?
Luck of the Emperor... Wulf(harth).. he was an Imperial.. Imperial Cult tells you it was Tiber Septim. It was obviously Talos.
Explains why he shouts and wants to go to Sovngarde.
Or like I said, just an easter egg. Makes sense to be a Tsun/Zenithar avatar the more I think about it though. He is the god of trials and adversity and Ebony Warrior is a random trial in the game purely there to test your skills.
I never said you were wrong, i said why over complicate it? Maybe he is maybe he isn't. All we know is what we're shown and thats a Redguard warrior that wants peace.