I find that DODGING arrows is insanely easy, but BLOCKING them on my shield character is harder than it sounds.
I find that DODGING arrows is insanely easy, but BLOCKING them on my shield character is harder than it sounds.
Are you on PC? You can download a mod that removes the arrows stuck in you.
My current character is an archer, and because i svck at aiming i usually dont bother to dodge.
I suppose an obvious way would be to sprint to the left or right when they release the arrow. Besides that, you can use shouts.
epic crossover reference is epic! very clever
I think I'm pretty good at it, only ever get hit once or twice. My method is to zig-zag my way to the archer, or if there's enough distance between me and the archer I'll simply " keep my eye on the ball " and just sidestep as the arrow reaches me. Another good method I have is when there's other NPC's around, keep the hostile NPC(s) in between you and the archer and just move the fight ( as best as you can ) towards the archer using the other NPC(s) as a meat shield. Once your in striking distance the archer(s) tend to switch to a dagger over bow so their easy pickens, or you can just turn your full attention to the archer once your close enough.
Getting better all the time, as with the mods i use getting hit by a Riekling's spear (and those buggers are now all over Skyrim too ) or a crossbow bolt is a one hit kill more often that not...
I use a mod that increases their speed and damage by 75%, and I've gotten very good at dodging them. I'd imagine that vanilla speed would be child's play now. It's more about learning timing than watching for the arrow. If you can get how long it takes the AI to fire an arrow at you, you'll have a good idea about when it's going to come. If all else fails, just strife back and forth every .5 second, the AI misses 99% of the time, and when he does close the distance until hes ready to fire again.
I kill them before they can shoot an arrow.
This. When there are three archers, things get hairy. When I get the perk to allow me to move faster with a bow, I should be untouchable.
My character is an archer and has the Steady Hand perk that slows time when you aim, so generally when an archer is shooting at me, I'm zoomed in on him, and his arrows are a lot easier to anticipate and dodge when time is slowed down.
Then again I usually just take the hits if it's bandits. Draugr Deathlords are a little more deadly with a bow, though, so I won't try to dodge them, I'll just run away..
They don't shoot straight at you unless you're standing still. If you're in motion, they shoot them ahead of you. Depending on your speed and direction will determine where they shoot. Bots, I know. Just switch directions as soon as they release and try to keep a safe distance away from the archer. It's quite easy to dodge arrows.
I had a Forsworn Looter do this very thing last night, except I was playing my Mage and he dodged an Incinerate... that annoyed me.
So while he was smart enough to dodge incinerate, he rushed me but had no idea that I was waiting there with a fully charged Firestorm... bit I guess that's the reason that no one has ever claimed the Forsworn to be intellectual giants.
Many enemy archers have such bad aim, that I'm surprised I haven't had to witness one of them shooting themselves in the knee yet. So yes, I think I'm rather good ad dodging their arrows.
The worst archer I have encountered thus far however, was a hunter. He was trying to catch a thief, firing arrows left and right, all the while cursing like a sailor. The thief didn't do much, just cowered on the ground, begging for mercy, and the hunter kept missing him. I followed the two of them for about 20 minutes before I eventually shot both of them. The thief for stealing and the hunter for failing.
Both of my Avatars kill every Hunter that they meet, whether at a hunter's resting shack or out in the wilderness. It's a wonder every Hunter in the game doesn't starve to death...
As an archer, my arrows hit them, long before they realize I'm there. By the time they draw, another shot takes them down.
Key thing in the game is to watch your enemies before you engage them. Spot the archers, and take them out first. If they're up high, then use stealth to get around people. Even a warrior and mage should be able to sneak around.
Just be careful. Trying to get around a group of enemies may be a bit difficult. If this is the case, use the environment. If you're hitting a fort or open area, see if there are rocks you can climb and get a clear shot for one-on-one attacks.
The more stealth you are, the easier it is to dodge those arrows.
Good luck!
Archery + mountain climbing is one of the funnest things about skyrim.
Even when you are sneaking and they can't possibly see you. Thanks Bethesda. Their legs don't even move. If you are going to put [censored] in the game like this, at least make their legs do the animation. Enemies and animals, just slide over for me. Slide.
Yep. Practice makes perfect. In this case, the act of chasing down an archer before pummeling him to death hones that skill pretty hard.
And it also makes the ensuing body-plex that much more rewarding.
The little hunter's camp by Lakeview Manor keeps getting restocked with a hunter taking fish from my beach. Every time I try to talk it out and convince them to stop trespassing they always answer, "It's not like my poaching is hurting anyone, the Jarl can't every deer now can he?"
Well, you just admitted to crimes bud and you're hanging out in prime skinny dipping territory. There's only one way this can end.