Starting promises to keep dialogue

Post » Sun May 05, 2013 7:08 am

Hi all. Not sure if anyone knows of a work around but I have never been able to start dialogue with Louis letrush in the bee and barb. He keeps saying he has work and needs someone to speak with sibbi black briar repeatedly but a dialogue box never appears for me to accept the quest. Any one else have this glitch or know how to work around? Thanks.
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 11:40 am

I've never heard of this happening. Speaking to Louis Letrush is supposed to activate this quest and then direct you to speak with Sibbi. Are you sure "Promises to Keep" is not already in your journal? Also, there is supposedly a bug, where sometimes the quest won't start properly if you talk to Sibbi prior to accepting the quest from Louis. I'm not sure if this was fixed in a patch or not. A possible fix for this bug was to ask Maven Black-Briar if she knew about the plans to


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