I'm wondering if someone can help me with, and recognize this glitch (if that's what it is) I'm having. I have the most recent update (1.9 I think it is) and have purchased Hearthfire and Dawnguard. I have beaten the main story quest but to my surprise, no dragons are spawning... ever. Apparently, this doesn't happen as everyone on the internet that I've read about has said that dragons are still quite frequent and during fast travel appear almost always. The only dragons I get are from dragon roosts. I'm currently level 58, but I've only seen one revered dragon and that was only after I left DarkFall Cave (Scripted?) Now occasionally I will get a random dragon spawn (rarely) but it will only be a first-level dragon, and even then it won't attack. Does this all have to do with me not killing Parthuunax? I get the random dead dragons popping up everywhere, could that be part of it? Dragons were what made this game for me, and I would be very appreciative if someone could tell me why my game is possibly glitching and what I should do to fix it.