REQ ( Death Handling Mod ) some good ideas

Post » Sun May 05, 2013 2:07 pm

A hunter would require voice acting and a lot more effort. However, a note from a hunter would be very easy, maybe a bit of food left for you, while you recover.

It would be 100kxPercent+Basix40, until we have those numbers we can't give a final answer. If we say Percent = 5, Base = 30, it comes out as 6200 gold. But that's just numbers pulled out of thin air.

(I think I've seen a couple of games which take 7% per death, but they don't take items. Just for reference.)

Oh, and by my standard, that's a wealthy character. If it was level 5 with 500 gold, it'd be 175, which is a much larger proportion.

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Wayne Cole
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 11:47 am

I can add this option also :)

Just letting you guys know that I'm doing a bit of work on this tonight. I've got next week booked off as holiday, I'm not actually going anywhere though so more time to mod. I should have a beta ready for whoever wants to test in the next few days

- Hypno
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Stefanny Cardona
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 1:16 pm

Great. Cant wait!
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Amy Masters
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