Respawn Mod Question

Post » Sun May 05, 2013 2:48 am

Is there a mod out there that makes enemies respawn in a shorter span of time.

I ask this because this might be a good work around for the enemies that fail to respawn in the wilds its a bug introduced by the 1.3 patch.

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Red Bevinz
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 5:40 pm

skytweak perhaps.

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Alyce Argabright
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 8:21 am

Faster Cell Respawn

Changed Hours to Cell Respawn to 48 from 240
Changed Hours to Cell Respawn after Cleared to 72 from 720

from steam workshop

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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 12:51 pm

I use CorePC's

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Greg Swan
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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 5:14 pm

The bug he's talking about which according to some folks, came with the game on release day, is not affected by the respawn GMSTs, which that mod edits. The issue involving this bug is that if you return to an area, or cell rather, before the reset timer is done, the reset timer will stop, indefinitely. Resulting in an area never respawning again. This can be a worrysome problem because you can potentially end up with the vast majority of Skyrim depopulated. This effects even dragon respawns. I'm not sure how he got this bug again, as it was supposedly fixed in 1.6. (I personally haven't had anymore issues with it since then)

A good way to test this is to head to Valtheim Towers, kill all the bandits there, and leave, and then come back before the cell resets, leave again, wait out the days your respawns settings are set to, and return. If there are some bandits missing, the bug is still around. Eventually, they will all be gone.

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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 2:24 am

I have been of the ones adamantly harping on this bug since 1.3 broke respawns. It has not been since release the bug enemy and plant respawns both broke with the 1.3 patch. If you play the game unpatched and with no mods you can clearly see enemies in the wilds respawn and so do the plants.

I want to note before 1.6 ALL enemy respawns were broken inside and outside the dungeons and all wilderness encounters were indeed broken in the vanilla game but 1.6 did indeed fix dungeon respawns both above and below ground. But extensive testing with numerous characters across patches 1.6 to 1.9 has shown me wilderness respawns are indeed broken so testing at Valtheim Towers will not give an accurate result.

Here is some locations.

These locations concerning the enemy respawns from my other thread are still bugged along with some new ones mainly along the roads, that is where I travel to test this out.

1. Southwest of Fort Sungard on a rock a wolf usually spawns.
2. West of Fort Sungard in a crevice a wolf or a bear will spawn in a rocky crevice not far from the road.
3. Southwest of Old Hroldan close to the road or on a dirt road a wolf or a bear will spawn.
4. East of Reachcliff Cave on a road a sabrecat should spawn.
5. Southwest of Windhelm by the bridge close to the city two wolves stand close by the bridge on the road.
6. Northeast of North Brittleshin pass a wolf or a sabrecat should be on a rocky hill.
7. Northwest of Gloomreach by a tree stump by the river there is usually a bear standing there.
8. East of Lunds Hut on a road on the hill there should be one wolf or sabrecat.

Then I checked madmoose7 locations and I can cofirm these locations are bugged as well.

1. The road heading west out of River Wood pretty much all the way to Falkreath.
2. The main road just south of Whiterun, and the road just east of Whiterun heading north in to the pale.
3. The general area outside of markarth, it may well be the entire hold but i haven't checked.
4. The town area of Winterhold, as well as the road going south from the town.
5. The area west of Whiterun, i only noticed that area because the skeleton arm sticking out of the water with the sword won't respawn.
6. The cities Solitude and Whiterun

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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 4:10 pm

You could bring this to the USKP team. But I worry that it's an engine bug.

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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 4:35 am

I have posted in a previous thread where you put the whole same list down, Lund's Hut is fine. That creature could even be a skeever, and the bandits close to the Hut also respawns. I walked past that area more than I would like, and the place should be empty by now based on those accounts, yet I still get robbed by those stupid bandits and assaulted by a lone creature.

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Post » Sun May 05, 2013 1:44 pm

I can conform that with over a dozen characters made since 1.3 and a test character with each patch to 1.9 on the road right off the hill by Lunds Hut there is a single animal that spawns, its either a skeever, wolf, or a sabre cat the animal does simply not respawn. I use this list because they are locations that are easy for me to get to and rememeber.

I want to note that the bandits down the road by the damaged carriage with the chest in it do respawn.

@Terra Nova I took the issue to Arthmoor and he said they could not fix the respawns directly.

So I am trying to find something that adds new spawns or a work around for this bug that had plagued my games.
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