PMs to Admin works occasionally ( Sent Martigen a PM too if he gets time to review and update any necessary info for the OP )
@ Martigen - Now that your topic is sticky; For newbies a couple of things which would be nice included ..
Tools for Texturing; I do not have Adobe Photoshop ( borrow my daughters copy occasionally ), but there are probably useful links to plugins could be posted for those that do ( <<-- needs input from users )
But the alternative's for those that cannot afford Photoshop ...
G.I.M.P ( Gnu Image Manipulation Program ) 2.8 -
G.I.M.P DDS Plugin ( Updated end of July for G.I.M.P 2.8 ) -
G.I.M.P Normal Map Plugin ( Updated end of June for G.I.M.P 2.8 ) -
The following is not as advanced as Photoshop or G.I.M.P, but is very capable of producing superb graphics
Paint.NET supports dds files out of the box these days -
Variety of plugins pinned on the forums -
Goujosamma is a Paint.NET enthusiast, and has produced a guide and ...
Normal tools by Goujosamma -
And maybe as a sub-topic of the OP, regarding Bethesda's HiRes DLC packs
Brumbeks "Detailed anolysis of HighRes Pack" -
Which will eventually fall of the forum ...
The following spoiler includes the meat of the topic, minus formatting if you wish to include ..
Spoiler After unpacking and comparing the textures, the high-res pack basically doubles all the “major” textures in the game, which amounts to about 27% of all Skyrim's textures. This means there are still a lot of textures untouched by this pack. The pack also always doubles textures, except in the case of weapons, where it occasionally quadruples the texture size.
If you wish to know if a texture has been improved, you can fairly accurately guess by asking, “Is this a prominently displayed texture on a large surface?” Although, this isn’t always true, like some of the signs like the Inn Signs aren’t touched (presumably because they never had higher resolution source Photoshop files?).
I will now break down the major sections. Sorry for the length, but there's a few important things tucked in below.
Most creatures have doubled textures.
Regarding characters, the ONLY change is the _msn normal maps have been saved as UNCOMPRESSED .dds files (24bit). The .msn files are the exact same size as before, just uncompressed. So for mod authors, we still need high-res replacers for everything BUT the .msn body files. Oh, and the Argonians and Khajiit were left out of the HighRes pack (no doubt due to racism…heh).
WARNING: the HighRes pack is improperly packaged!!! The following are incorrectly named folders and the fixes:
textures\actors\ “dragonpriest” folder needs to be “dragon priest” rename this folder to "dragon priest", which doesn't exist initially (thanks to protocol_48 for this find)
textures\actors\goat\ "" rename to ""
Nearly 75% (666 of the original 898 files) of these textures were doubled. Files left out were the smaller detail textures like windows, flora, ect.
80% of the files are doubled with mainly the amulets and rings not being improved except for the two “generic” files: “genericamulets” and “genericrings”.
WARNING: the HighRes pack is improperly packaged!!! The following are incorrectly named folders and the fixes:
textures\armor\ “dragonbonearmor” folder needs to be “dragonbone” move all the files from the first to the second directory that already exists
textures\armor\ “dragonpriestmasks” needs to be “dragonpriesthelm” rename this folder to "dragonpriesthelm", which doesn't exist initially
textures\armor\ “dragonscalearmor” needs to be “dragonscale” move all the files from the first to the second directory that already exists
textures\armor\ “draugrarmor” needs to be “draugr” move all the files from the first to the second directory that already exists
armor\dragonpriesthelm\ "" rename to ""
armor\thievesguild\m\ "thieves guild" rename to "" (overwrite this file) (use Parasoma notes: the gauntletsgloves are still 512x512 and the variant (grey?) boots are not included with this pack)
And for fun, here’s some leftover developer shortcuts in some folders. They are fun to look at the workflow they use.
steel dds shortcut: C:\Projects\TESV\Build\PC\Data\Textures\Armor\Steel
steel psd shortcut: D:\Projects\TESV\Build\Source\PSDTextures\Armor\Steel
steel tga shortcut: C:\Projects\TESV\Build\Source\TGATextures\Armor\Steel
There are a number of other shortcuts in the .bsas…if you wish to find them all, just unpack and search by “size:1KB” in Windows 7 (16 total of them).
Strangely the “yngolshelm” folder isn’t in the HR pack either, so it remains at the 512x512 resolution.
Half are doubled, half not. They still use DXT3 which causes the “checkerboard” compression artifacts…I question if DXT3 is proper.
87% is doubled. Nearly everything.
Clavicus Vile Mask is missing. Generic “gag” folder is missing. Other weird random stuff like “\emperor\m\emperorsleeves” files, “executionhood” folder.
Redundant files can be deleted:
Not sure whether this is a leftover file - maybe specular? Does the mesh reference this file? Uncertain.
Here’s the important one IMO. Clutter had ugly textures originally. Sadly only about 40% are doubled. Rest are untouched.
Many, many “common” textures are missing. So sad…only the “big” ones like crates, furniture, rugs are doubled. So mods like Skyrim HD are still VERY needed for a lot of the “minor” stuff.
There’s too much too list regarding what is skipped. Just look for yourself if you wish. Or use software to compile a list.
WARNING: clutter\woodfires\ incorrectly uses the alpha channel as the RGB so as to cause fires to glow super bright. Bethesda will need to fix this by adding the proper RGB and Alpha channels. For now you can use the regular texture from the original Textures.bsa.
WARNING: clutter\choppingblock\ is the normal map instead of the diffuse.
User Parasoma notes:
These files are 2048x diffusenormal and 1024x specularenvironmental size textures. The correctly named files are 1024x "_d" and "_n" and there is no "_g" file.
Best outcome is to rename to and remove the other "beehive01" files unless you want over twice the size of the originals (2048 vs 512)
These files can be deleted. They appear the same as the correctly named files. Delete.
Already included with proper names. Exact copies of both "woodenladle01" files that can be safely deleted.
About half doubled. Dwemer Ruins and Mines are entirely missing. In general, which is typical of Architecture textures in this pack, the Dungeons textures that were 1024x1024 originally aren’t increased, only their normal maps were.
Only a small portion are doubled. The vast majority aren’t touched by the HighRes pack.
Not sure whether this is an intended file but the file-name gives away the effect - a redder flame atronach effect (possibly trail or overall blended glow)
It should be replacing in the same folder to work - it's more reddishpink than orange - same resolution as vanilla regardless.
Only the poor bedpillow01 and noble\noblefurnbed01 textures (4 files) aren’t doubled.
Skills backgrounds are doubled, as expected, but minor stuff like Constellation Lines aren’t.
Interface\books (all the .png files) aren’t included.
The logo emblem and lockpicking textures are doubled (which is all the “objects” folder contents).
Only exactly 20% are included (38 of 190). You know all those 512x512 landscape textures? Yes, they still are 512x512, grrr!! There is only 1 texture out of 15 improved for the landscape\grass folder. So sad.
The two mountainslab textures ARE NOT IMPROVED. These are the gray slabs people talk about.
And no Roads diffuse maps are increased, only three normal maps are increased.
For the trees, about 23 are improved. But some branches and other textures aren’t improved. (Vurt’s Mod still essential!)
LOD (level of detail files)
Not included at all. The game will still use the original 128x128 or 256x256 textures for the distant lower-detail meshes. Probably not included since it would have required redoing all these manually (maybe).
Only 30% or so, mostly shrubs, and flora stuff. The textures for food and alchemical items were mostly untouched.
Only the clouds and nebulagalaxy textures were improved. The Moons, Aurora, Sun wasn’t.
The distant trees textures were doubled. The normal maps for the Tamriel distant objects like rocks and buildings was doubled, but not the diffuse texture. Would have been nice to have truly doubled distant object textures…
Untouched. Non of the three water effect textures were touched.
91% of files improved. Interestingly, here Bethesda occasionally quadruples the size, not just doubles. Some weapons go from 512x512 to 2048x2048, while some (most) go from 512x512 to 1024x1024. This makes me ask…give us the 2048x2048 for EVERYTHING??? PLEASE!?
WARNING: Another error in packaging!
textures\weapons\ “dragonprieststaff” should be “dragon priest” move all the files from the first to the second directory that already exists
textures\weapons\ “nightingalebow” should be “nightingale” move all the files from the first to the second directory that already exists
textures\weapons\ “ruefulaxe” is actually a duplicate and should be DELETED, the proper folder is “rueful axe”, which is present, and actually includes the 2048x2048 texture size! This incorrect folder only has the doubled 1024x1024 size.
Others File Not Needed in the BSAs
There are four placeholder.txt files:
Also, there's one file that isn't changed between packs:
textures\actors\elk\ (32x32 file for original and HighRes)
These cause no harm but could be deleted.
Thanks to Bethesda for releasing any HighRes pack at all! I’m very grateful! That being said, overall, many textures are still a bit lacking definition, especially the architecture. Moreover, a lot of the simple objects like all the clutter and common stuff isn’t touched. So now we have higher res walls and floors with objects on them that are still low-res. Oh well, wouldn’t want to put us modders out of work…
PS: Let me know if I missed anything or made any errors.
PSS: the improperly packaged files I speak of above in orange will make it so you don't get the benefit of the HighRes textures. The game ignores them and uses the regular textures. I've already sent word to Bethesda and they hopefully will fix soon.
Ethatron is still developing DDSOpt further.
His latest version is a lot more advanced than the previous 0.7.3 version, but also he posted a list of all dds files he knows of in the page ( Scroll down to "The Preview" "Infos" )
Edit: Also @ Martigen - Top tip: If you edit posts on this forum, before you click Save Changes, copy the whole post into notepad; For those frequent forum html spam injections these days ( It doesn't matter what editing mode you are in .. its gonna happen, and you will
curse )