Is it somehow possible to figure out if the player starts a new dialogue with a NPC?
This is the script I have so far, but I guess it's not very efficient:
Actor Function GetPlayerDialogueTarget() Actor kPlayerDialogueTarget Actor kPlayerRef = Game.GetPlayer() Int iLoopCount = 10 While iLoopCount > 0 iLoopCount -= 1 kPlayerDialogueTarget = Game.FindRandomActorFromRef(kPlayerRef , 200.0) If kPlayerDialogueTarget != kPlayerRef && kPlayerDialogueTarget.IsInDialogueWithPlayer() Return kPlayerDialogueTarget EndIf EndWhile Return NoneEndFunctionEvent OnInit() RegisterForSingleUpdate(1)EndEvent Event OnUpdate() If GetPlayerDialogueTarget() != None Debug.Notification("You are talking to someone!") EndIf RegisterForSingleUpdate(1)EndEvent