this is getting more and more odd...
so, i now have hypno's glob counter, GetRefTypeAliveCount & -DeadCount and HasRefType all in one script and have them report anything they do, numbers included.
result of this is:
OnInit doesn't seem to do _anything_. (i'd have expected it to at least count up the spawn markers or something). also not from a save that's most certainly clean.
OnDeath does do stuff though:
.) HasRefType never ceases to report true
.) GetRefTypeAliveCount starts counting down from 79iirc, incrementing 2* (but always staying on odd numbers ("odd" here meaning like 1,3,5,7..., oppositve of "even" i think? not sure if these words are right in this context)
.) the glob counter counts up incrementing 2* for every kill.
* there's 30 leveled spawns in there (each of which should produce 0-2 critters depending on level, if i got that part right), plus one unique boss-creature (which itself is based on a template that's also used by leveled critters though)
so what do i learn from this? that all my critters appear to be split personalities for one thing.
so, i could live with "it counts 2 for every critter", but
.) the glob counter is rendered useless as it never gets correct numbers OnInit,
.) HasRefType keeps saying true true true for eternity
.) and GetRefTypeAliveCount counts down from somewhere that's in no relation i can see to anything
(or how does 30 spawns and 1 unique get 79? and on last try, i had 11 critters actually spawned, still counted from 79 -
AND i could go with "2 for spawn, 1 for unique, hence odd total", but unique one ALSO increments 2, both for glob counter as well as GetRefTypetc...
i think i'm just gonna go sit in the corner and cry now...