I need some advice. I am looking to get this game, but i got burned badly on my last purchase (the witcher 2). As a result, i have become rather paranoid about the quality of this game as well. Looking at metacritic people seem to like x-com alot but considering that the same is true for the witcher 2, i dont want to trust it. Looking at some videos about it encouraged me, but i am not quite convinced just yet. Can you lend me a hand?
When it comes to games, i value high-quality gameplay and/or lots of freedom. Writing and story is secondary for me. For instance, i enjoyed ace combat assault horizon alot, despite the extremely generic story and characters. Other games i much enjoyed in recent years is;
Faster then light
Far cry 3
Deus ex human revolution
Mass-effect 2
IL-2 Sturmovik; birds of prey
Dragon age origins
Should i buy X-com EU? Is it hard to get into? How long can i expect to play it? The price is 299 swedish currency, or 45 dollars.
I would be thankful for your opinion. Have a good day.
Can someone move this? its in the wrong place. My mistake!