I did once to change a character's skin tone because I accidentally made em orange.
Pretty much this, or I would change my character's war-paint.
I have yet to get to the Face Sculptor in Riften. In each game session am heading in that direction but so many fantastic side adventures keep popping up i have yet to get to Riften. Truly SKYRIM is humongous magnificence.
I like to go just for a chat. I find her despondent, embittered anger highly entertaining!
Typically I agonise over character creation enough to arrive at an agreeable face, most of the time, but I do like to occasionally add / change / remove war-paint for RP or general preference, the odd haircut.
I'm addicted to the face sculptor, I think my character should be beyond face sculpting because I've used it so much.
hey, is this a mod ?????
or will it be present in the Legendary edition coming in June ???
Added by Dawnguard, so, yes, the Legendary edition will be just the ticket.
I do to change war paints from time to time.
I'm only interested in the barber aspect, I don't care to change the actual face.
Only thing I'd probably do (and I don't have Dawnguard so I don't) is alter hair configuration and warpaint.
Skyrim needs barbers. Plain, simple barbers that can change facepaint and hair, nothing else.
I've never used it, but can anyone tell me if you use her does the lighting improve so you can see what you're doing? I found the view at the beginning of the game bad enough, so how can you see properly down in the Ragged Flagon. That's a place I left a couple of torches lying around in just to sse where Tonila was more easily. You'd think if they were going to put this feature in they'd put it somewhere that gave you the best chance of getting the results you wanted?
I was never quite satisfied with one character's looks, so I finally used her on a trip to the TG. Tweaked what I didn't like and am quite happy now. If I use her again it will only be for different hairstyle.
Abrinth, the lighting is bright, but I feel it's still the wrong light. When i used her, I saved first, made the changes I wanted, then took the character out into Skyrim natural daylight. I had to reload and make some minor changes before I was satisfied. This helps, where you can't even do that in creation.
Lighting in there is brutal to see what they'll end up looking like, all honestly if my guys dont turn out as ugly and battle hardened in the character creation I head to Riften if they dont resonate with me enough after awhile.
Tis a shame scars are the only real disfigurement.
All the time !! just to change hair or war paint or tweak her looks...im a ocd type so i keep trying til im happy lol
lol i visit her all the time, im like addicted, i will generally only change things like hair and beards, warpaint, and sometimes skin tone and complexion. i will usually make a trip there pretty soon after leaving helgen to fix anything like a nose or chin that looks too big. my female characters get new haircuts almost everytime i play them haha