Have people been playing enough to recommend what leveling adjustment to make to slow things down? 25%, 50%, 75%, etc.? I definitely think the default is too fast but I'm not sure how much to slow it down. Any suggestions out there? Thanks.
I set the default at 25% since I found the default leveling speed to be a tad slower than FO3 (which I used 20% as the default). You just have to find out which XPR Multiplier works best for you. This is very much a personal thing, as everyone has a leveling pace that feels right; plus your gameplay style has a major impact on how fast those XPR points increase. The cool thing is that you can change XPR Multipliers at any time and switch as often as you like.
I personally feel like if you slow down the XP there is not enough content to hit level cap. In GOTY Fo3 even you can only hit the low 20's.
Umm . . . that's sort of the point . . . personally I don't want to cap out my skills.
i assume you're referring to VATS? i havent seen much sway/spread outside VATS myself. but then i barely used guns before switching to melee. which settings did you change btw?
you'll see a LOT more sway in v.1.3 (when your skills are below the weapon's requirement).