If you have played both Dawnguard and Dragonborn, which expansion did you enjoy the most? (End spoilers for both)
After finnishing both I have to say I enjoyed Dawnguard alot more. I felt dawnguard was longer, more depth and better focus on characters. The forgotten vale and the soul cairn were both enjoyable.
This is my beef with Dragonborn. The main quest is extremely short. I would think that a major DLC would have a main quest that is as big as a single faction quest (thieves, companions). Dragonborn was like: Meet miraak, destroy a few stones, quick tour of the tentacle museum and an anticlimactic last fight with NO final dialogue with either Miraak or Hermaeus. Just a quick "thx bye" from Mora.
Dragonborn wins on lore and nostalgia. But Dawnguard wins on content, story and characters.
Thats why I prefer dawnguard.
(Just to make one thing clear, I loved both - but I feel dawnguard was the better of the two)
Your thought and reasoning?