I know reavers have them but what reaver is guaranteed to be wearing a full set?
Bandit Chiefs, or craft your own.
My current guy doesn't even bother to loot it any more...
Bandits and reavers, sometimes you can find it by buying it at Glover Mallory's shop.
At level 5, the bandits that will be wearing it will hand you your, umm, backside.
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Bob, usually it is the leaders of the bandits or reavers that have the armor.
Though at level five the ones wearing it will probably roflstomp you.
I'm fairly sure you have to be level 25 before it starts to appear, you could always create your own set though.
It's a leveled set. You need to be level 25 to find them.
Easier just level up smithing to get Advanced Armors and then craft it yourself.
Bonemold, that armor just looks badass, especially on a Dunmer.
i have 4 complete sets I took from bandits that raid my Lakeview home almost everytime I come home.
I wish they hadn't put it on nearly every bandit chief and reaver lord, it's no longer special. I have a set on display in a couple of homes, but I have sold many many sets.
What I can't seem to wrap my head around is that it's somehow more valuable than Ebony, yet immensly common in comparison.
Yes, and when I take any more as loot I don't even bother to improve it, can't sell it at Riverwood and I don't like selling it off piecemeal all over Skrim. So, I sell it at Warmaiden's to Adrianna and Ulfberth.
Yes, fairly so, more than steel plate, and if you improve it at high level smithing it's as much as daedric if not higher.
It's as expensive as Daedric?
This I doubt...
Anyway it's still common and ugly.
With the smithing level I have, if I improve Nordic Carved, it's a LOT more expensive than Daedric.
Edited for spelling.
And I'm finding Steel Plate harder to find now. I really like the way Steel Plate looks. The Nordic is fine but it is too common.