Nice start to her adventure.
Nice start to her adventure.
Hmm, Barenziah's not the only one to discover the charms of the Khajit. Steamy and mushy, but I like it, and Kharjo is a great character, I really like the possibilities he can bring to Salessi's story!
It would be cool if he could be a Companion, after all, they have a Dunmer. Really good screenshots too, great locations and well placed, umm bits. lol
That modified orc armor, what mod is that from? I like the way that looks. Is it still classed as heavy armor?
Random bits
This shot is amazing. Those guards are professionals!
Thery should have seen that, and he would take back his remarks about Skyrim's guards.
K so playing around with a new character and this will be my Werebear character when I decide to play her
Ended up playing a rather long session on my mage today, didn't intend to but you know Skyrim, heh.
"What did that wall teach you?" - ""
Great shots and I know what you mean, I was planning on playing Rose today, now I may take a break from her and play Rissa (my Werebear) for a bit
It's a werebear, I don't blame you one bit.
I'm actually thinking about getting that mod myself because the vanilla lycanthropy stuff didn't really interest me at all.
It's awesome, I am combining it with Bloodmoon Rising, plus right as I entered Whiterun to begin the MQ i started getting warnings about an imminent transformation so I darted out of that town as soon as humanly possible, currently tearing through the countryside as a vicious werebear
Oh, and there's something insanely entertaining about ragdolling giants
I see you picked up the Hunting Ground's Outfit. It is one of my favorite armors, and it actually looks good on your female character.
Also I love that Moonlight Tales mod, isn't just great, especially when you hear the loud howls at night it is creepy. Can you do me a favor? Can you turn Marcurio into a werewolf or werebear and make him transform and then turn back into a human. After that can you tell me if he has magicka because when I turn him and he transforms once he turns human again he has no magicka anymore, like it says 0/0 when he had 250/250.
Nice, I really like the Battle of the elements shots.
I'll give it a try once I get around to him
and Yea, Hunting Grounds seemed perfect for this character, I can already tell I'm gonna have a lot of fun story wise with her, may put Rose on the back burner for a while and play around with this character and post her story
Alright thanks.
And I think you should put Rose on the back burner... because my character I want to post seemed a bit similar to Rose as far as the Dawnguard goes...
Lol, I've played lots of vampires, maybe it's time for a little change XD
I play either vampires or werewolves, I can't stand being just a normal mortal.
Time for a new thread it seems.
Managed to cause a pretty nifty texture glitch and created my own crown, thought I would share it with you fine folks. Only issue is that's it's a little bit spoilery with DG stuff so I'll post em in a spoiler.....
Only issue is that it doesn't stick. I tested to make sure, I made a save just after causing the texture glitch, turned the game off and then restarted the game. Loaded the save file where I had my " crown " but it wasn't showing through, I was wearing both but the texture glitch corrected itself
What makes it worse is that it's a right pain in the ass to cause this glitch so it's almost not worth trying, even though it's chalk full of EPICNESS and BADASSERY.
I will be trying again tomorrow to see if I can't get this to stick
Why thank you, was bored this evening so I was messing around to see if I could get this to work. I read somewhere else that this works with Mirrak's mask as well, guess I have to collect his head in the near feature