So, here I am chasing butterflies and bees around in my Greenhouse, when I discover invisible weapon racks that I can add weapons to, and remove them from again later. They behave exactly as any other weapon rack, except they are invisible, and weapons placed on them appear to be floating in mid-air above the planter boxes, at odd angles. I have left weapons on them long enough to respawn, but my weapons are still there, dangling menacingly above the planter boxes.
I have the Greenhouse set up as an extension to Lakeside Manor, and I'm playing on an XBox360. I haven't tried this with the Greenhouse at any other Hearthfire home yet. Does anyone else know if this happens with the other homes? Also, I haven't deconstructed and reconstructed my home yet, to see if it is a recurring glitch, or is unique to this particular build of this particular home.
The invisible weapon racks can be found by standing on a planter box, and reaching up to the rafters, on the opposite side of the same rafter where the bird's nest sits. I figure that if I can have a load of weapons hovering magically over my planter box, they should at least be able to function as a trap, to protect my crop from thieves!
I would post or link to an image, but I'm prevented from doing so on these forums at present.